 · 九阳全新免清洗型豆浆机 全美最低
送交者: eachus 2011月01月16日16:40:41 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 印度“光辉”(Tejas)战斗机终获初步作战能力 水蛮子 于 2011-01-16 08:24:50

LCA is the aircraft worst than the ww-2 aircrafts.

The detail shown by HAL on LCA at Aero India certainly leaves nothing to be desired.

1; Take off distance...............1300 M
2: Landing distance................1700 M
3: Combat Radius.................. 300 KM



The Reason Why Bharati Air Farce Rejected Lca

people i've found out why bharat air force has been rejecting LCA.Look at the following specs from HAL signboard at aero india.LCA.look carefully at take off distance ,landing distance and combat radius.an air craft which requires 1300 m distance to take off and 1700 m distance to land and has only 300km combat radius is the aircraft worst than the ww-2 aircrafts itself.And if u google around net there are different people claiming LCA combat radius to be around 1300 km-2000km.but none are official source even HAL and ADA sites dont reveal these things.may be cause they are ashamed of their product .comparing it with JF-17 has 4 times the combat radiusd and can take off with in 500m distance.one thing to be notice is that indians with best f404 engine cant design an aircraft but jf-17 uses rd-93 engine which is bad compare to f404.but jf-17 flies fine even with bad engine and LCA cant flly even with worlds best engine. so only role i see for LCA is like arjun giving fly past on 26th januarary republic days.they can take off from hindon which i think is only 30-40 km from delhi.give a fly past over rajpath which may add 5-10 km and then return back to base total of 90km and bharati will claim see it flies with in combat radius.


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