essentially useless |
送交者: wada 2023月01月02日01:29:32 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 中俄都有分化美国盟友的意愿和能力,这方面是可以合作的 由 渔樵闲话 于 2023-01-02 00:14:30 |
you would pay super high even couldnt get a cent payback. Example: Italy, China put huge money on this fucking country, because this suckie country said it favored 1 belt 1 road, now this suckie country tax every tourist from China, and make every one pay 90 Eur for testing the covid, and not just this country is doing this, and also calls other Eur countries do it forget about it. |
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