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14 CFR Subpart B - Flight(更完整)
送交者: oldfarmer 2023月01月01日22:34:57 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Static longitudinal stability. oldfarmer 于 2023-01-01 22:30:37

14 CFR Subpart B - Flight

  1. General (§§ 25.21 - 25.33)
    1. § 25.21 Proof of compliance.

    2. § 25.23 Load distribution limits.

    3. § 25.25 Weight limits.

    4. § 25.27 Center of gravity limits.

    5. § 25.29 Empty weight and corresponding center of gravity.

    6. § 25.31 Removable ballast.

    7. § 25.33 Propeller speed and pitch limits.

  2. Performance (§§ 25.101 - 25.125)
    1. § 25.101 General.

    2. § 25.103 Stall speed.

    3. § 25.105 Takeoff.

    4. § 25.107 Takeoff speeds.

    5. § 25.109 Accelerate-stop distance.

    6. § 25.111 Takeoff path.

    7. § 25.113 Takeoff distance and takeoff run.

    8. § 25.115 Takeoff flight path.

    9. § 25.117 Climb: general.

    10. § 25.119 Landing climb: All-engines-operating.

    11. § 25.121 Climb: One-engine-inoperative.

    12. § 25.123 En route flight paths.

    13. § 25.125 Landing.

  3. Controllability and Maneuverability (§§ 25.143 - 25.149)
    1. § 25.143 General.

    2. § 25.145 Longitudinal control.

    3. § 25.147 Directional and lateral control.

    4. § 25.149 Minimum control speed.

  4. Trim (§ 25.161)
    1. § 25.161 Trim.

  5. Stability (§§ 25.171 - 25.181)
    1. § 25.171 General.

    2. § 25.173 Static longitudinal stability.

    3. § 25.175 Demonstration of static longitudinal stability.

    4. § 25.177 Static lateral-directional stability.

    5. § 25.181 Dynamic stability.

  6. Stalls (§§ 25.201 - 25.207)
    1. § 25.201 Stall demonstration.

    2. § 25.203 Stall characteristics.

    3. § 25.207 Stall warning.

  7. Ground and Water Handling Characteristics (§§ 25.231 - 25.239)
    1. § 25.231 Longitudinal stability and control.

    2. § 25.233 Directional stability and control.

    3. § 25.235 Taxiing condition.

    4. § 25.237 Wind velocities.

    5. § 25.239 Spray characteristics, control, and stability on water.

  8. Miscellaneous Flight Requirements (§§ 25.251 - 25.255)
    1. § 25.251 Vibration and buffeting.

    2. § 25.253 High-speed characteristics.

    3. § 25.255 Out-of-trim characteristics.

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