it is an illusion, man |
送交者: liuqiuprince 2022月04月21日22:41:00 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 高铁华为都是依靠西方技术起家,自身体制无法产生新技术 由 y2k 于 2022-04-21 19:48:21 |
Due to occupation of barbaric manchuarians for centeries,china missed the critical time frame to make singificant impact to modern science and technology. Nowadays it is extremely hard to make any ground breaking improvement. However, since there have been chinese in the west made significant contribution and japanese have made singificant contribution after WW2, there is no doubt that when time comes, chinese can show the brain power. |
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