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CF34-3 Engines, 20 yrs (2012)
送交者: oldfarmer 2021月03月15日00:44:37 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: General Electric CF34 oldfarmer 于 2021-03-15 00:34:08

GE's CF34-3 Engines Celebrate 20 Years of Regional Jet Service

The CF34 engines continue to set the standard for performance, durability and reliability for regional jets around the world.

DUBLIN, IRELAND – September 20, 2012 – In 1992, GE Aviation’s CF34-3 engines helped launch a new era in aviation when it entered service on Bombardier’s CRJ100 aircraft, spawning the beginning of regional jet segment in commercial aviation. Twenty years later, the CF34 engines continue to set the standard for performance, durability and reliability for regional jets around the world.

“GE has invested more than $2 billion in technologies and material in the CF34 engine since it entered service 20 years ago,” said Allen Paxson, general manager of the CF34 Engine Program at GE Aviation. “More than 5,600 engines are in service on regional jets today with 200 operators in more than 70 countries around the world. During the past 12 months, GE has already received more than 100 orders for CF34 engines as the regional jet engine fleet continues to grow, and GE forecasts this growth rate will continue through the decade.”

GE continues to develop new technologies that will benefit the CF34 program. The NG34 technology program for the next-generation CF34 engine is leveraging advanced technology from GE’s fuel-efficient low-emission eCore, such as advanced material, unique cooling technologies and 3-D aerodynamic design airfoils. The advanced technologies and material will enable the next-gen CF34 engine to be 15-20 percent more fuel efficient than the current CF34-10E engines in service today, with 35 percent margin on NOx emission to CAEP/6 and 15 EPNdb margin to Stage 4 noise regulations.

CF34 Engine Highlights:

CF34-10E: The CF34-10E engine is the highest thrust rating for the CF34 engine family at 20,000 pounds of thrust, with more than 1,100 CF34-10E engines in service with 50 operators. The engine continues to perform well in the field, accumulating more than 7.5 million flight-hours and 5 million cycles. The CF34-10E includes many advanced technologies, including a single-stage high-pressure turbine, advanced wide chord fan blades, advanced 3-D aero compressor and turbine airfoils and a chevron exhaust nozzle. The CF34-10E engine powers the EMBRAER 190/195 aircraft as well as the Embraer Lineage 1000 business jet.

CF34-10A: The CF34-10A engine certified in 2010 and has logged more than 5,000 flight hours on the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) ARJ21 regional jet. COMAC has announced orders for more than 250 ARJ21 regional jet aircraft and forecasts a demand for up to 850 aircraft over the next 20 years.

CF34-8: More than 2,100 CF34-8 engine are powering Bombardier's CRJ700 (CF34-8C1 & -8C5B1) and CRJ900 (CF34-8C5) aircraft and Embraer's 170/175 (CF34-8E5) aircraft. The engines have accumulated more than 27 million flight-hours and 19 million cycles. The CF34-8 engine design has evolved with enhancements that lowered part count, improved durability and reduced maintenance costs. The CF34-8C1 upgrade to incorporate technology from the CF34-8C5 version to create a common engine for the CRJ700 and CRJ900 is complete on the fleet. The upgrade provides either up to 5 percent thrust increase or up to 15 percent lower maintenance costs.

CF34-3: In service since 1992 on regional jets, more than 2,300 CF34-3A1 and -3B1 engines power the Bombardier CRJ100/200 aircraft. An upgrade package can convert the CF34-3A1 to a CF34-3B1 to improve fuel burn and climb thrust capability.

GE Aviation, an operating unit of GE (NYSE: GE), is a world-leading provider of jet and turboprop engines, components and integrated systems for commercial, military, business and general aviation aircraft. GE Aviation has a global service network to support these offerings. For more information, visit us at http://www.ge.com/aviation. Follow GE Aviation on Twitter at http://twitter.com/GEAviation and YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/GEAviation.

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