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Lukashenko cursed Britain as a dog: you will choke
送交者:  2022年07月07日12:33:23 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Lukashenko said in response to Western sanctions against Belarus that Belarus would never kneel down. Britain imposed a no fly order on Belarus airlines and expanded the scale of the previous financial sanctions on Minsk. Canada is more likely to make up, and the sanctions imposed on Belarus are more symbolic.

Although the scale of the US sanctions is large, the protagonist of the sanctions against Belarus this time has to be the UK. The UK sanctions cover a wide range of fields, and are specifically targeted at the energy and material fields of Belarus. What makes Belarus more disgusting is that the UK has also imposed sanctions on Lukashenko's aircraft - prohibiting the provision of maintenance services to Lukashenko's fleet.

Lukashenko specifically mentioned Britain and scolded Britain, "you are the running dog of the United States, and you will choke to death by sanctions". It is enough to show how hateful Britain is to let the president of a country swear.


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