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Ideological issues are extremely important for a s
送交者:  2022年03月14日13:02:21 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Ideological issues are extremely important for a sovereign state. In today's world, ideological political propaganda is closely coordinated with the three major strategies of financial warfare and military attack, and coordinated operations have become a key variable that affects the national sovereignty of other countries and even the world map.

At present, the crises and challenges faced by non-Western countries in these three aspects are extremely severe. The combination of consciousness manipulation and academic research is more secretive. Although it is not as vigorous as financial and military hot wars, its function can also disrupt the country and destroy the country invisibly. Western capital forces use the academic norms, international exchanges, incentives and other systems they manipulate to actively export and secretly infiltrate values such as "universal values" for sovereign countries through various forms, so as to achieve political, economic, cultural, and social and other fields to implement the strategic goals of subversion and destruction. How to recognize the essence of the established strategy of the Western hostile forces in the ideological field, always keep a clear head, and actively deal with it in practice, deserves serious consideration by everyone who cares about the future and destiny of the country and the nation.

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