川普总统的“shithole countries”评论受到了广泛的谴责,但也使他一时风光无俩。尽管是负面的,可对他来说总比没人关注强。小土豆总理一看,心有不甘,觉得风头不能总是被南边的邻居抢去,也来故作惊人之语。二月一日在埃得蒙顿的一次Town hall meeting上,与一位年轻妇女有如下对话: Woman: “. . .so that’s why we came here today to ask you to also look into the policies that religious charitable organizations have in our legislation so that it can also be changed, because maternal love is the love that’s going to change the future of mankind. So we’d like you—” Trudeau: “—We like to say ‘peoplekind,’ not necessarily mankind, because it’s more inclusive.”
不得了,同川普这样的粗鄙老土相比,小土豆显得如此阳春白雪。我不由感叹,美国人到底还是没文化,唯有加拿大才是英国绅士传统的真正传人。如果说川普是心甘情愿躺在道德的马里亚纳海沟,那小土豆就是傲然耸立在道德的珠峰之巅。一个是真小人,另一个是伪君子,但都是大嘴巴。顺便提一下,小土豆最近有关老兵福利的评论,也将老兵们给得罪了,老兵们正要求他道歉。小土豆对老兵们的吝啬与他对一名前恐怖分子兼杀人犯的空前大方形成强烈对比。 小土豆的政治正确这次实在是走得太远,戏演得太过火了,一向偏左的许多主流媒体也加入了嘲笑的行列。以下是一些媒体的报道: 多伦多星报:Vinay Menon: For the sake of peoplekind, Justin Trudeau needs to shut up 加拿大环球邮报:Justin Trudeau’s ‘peoplekind’ remark draws ridicule in U.S. and U.K. media 纽约时报:Justin Trudeau Regrets ‘Peoplekind’: ‘I Made a Dumb Joke’ 看到了吗?一看苗头不对,这次表演未能得分,小土豆马上说这仅仅是个愚蠢的笑话,并且说他不善于讲笑话。小土豆总理您也太谦虚了,如此巨大的“笑果”,许多脱口秀大腕恐怕也自叹弗如。你瞧,与自我标榜“stable genius”的川普总统境界就是不一样。以下摘录一些讽刺小土豆的评论: How dare you kill off mankind, Mr. Trudeau, you spineless virtue-signalling excuse for a feminist Trudeau is nothing but PC smoke and mirrors。 Trudeau’s mouth is now Trudeau’s greatest enemy. “After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb,” observed Nelson Mandela. Or as Trudeau might call him, Nelson Peopledela. Oh, the humanity — or should I say, the peopleity? From this day forth, we shall refer to mangos as peoplegos Jokes abounded, with pictures posted of comic superhero Batman changing his name to “Batperson” or the province of Manitoba becoming “Peopletoba.” Girl: Justin Trudeau, People say u have gone mental. Justin (interrupts): Not mental. I have gone peopletal. |