1907年列宁斯大林策划抢得银行34万40死亡 |
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1907年列宁斯大林亲自策划武装抢得银行34万卢布 (等值2017年386万美元)致40人死亡、50人伤 1907年梯弗里斯银行抢劫案,是一起于1907年6月26日星 期三上午十时三十分左右发生在梯弗里斯(今格鲁吉亚首都第 比利斯)的武装抢劫案。在此次抢劫案中,一辆银行运钞车被 布尔什维克劫走以资助其革命活动。银行马车运送纸币由邮局 前往俄罗斯帝国国家银行梯弗里斯分行,途经埃里温广场(今 自由广场)时抢劫者用炸弹和枪支对马车及其周围的警察和军 人进行了袭击。根据官方档案,袭击导致40人死亡,50人受伤。 抢劫者共劫走34.1万俄罗斯帝国卢布(等值2017年386万美元)。 抢劫案由一批高层布尔什维克策划,其中包括弗拉基米尔 ·伊里奇·乌里扬诺夫·列宁、约瑟夫·维萨里奥诺维奇·斯 大林、马克西姆·马克西莫维奇·里维诺夫、列奥尼德·博里 索维奇·克拉辛、亚历山大·亚历山德罗维奇·波格丹诺夫, 动手实施武装抢劫银行首犯 西蒙·阿什基·卡莫 布尔什维克同志 Kamo, real name Simon Arshaki Ter-Petrosian (Armenian: Սիմոն Արշակի Տեր-Պետրոսյան, Georgian: სიმონ არშაკის ძე ტერ-პეტროსიანი, Russian: Симон Аршакович Тер-Петросян, 27 May 1882 – 14 July 1922), was an Old Bolshevik revolutionary and an early companion to Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. From 1903–1912, Kamo, a master of disguise, carried out a number of militant operations on behalf of the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party, mostly in Georgia, then part of the Russian Empire. He is best known for his central role in the 1907 Tiflis bank robbery, organised by Bolshevik leaders to raise funds for their party activities. For his militant activities he was arrested in Berlin in 1907 but simulated insanity both in German and later Russian prisons, eventually escaping from prison and fleeing the country. He was recaptured in 1912 after another attempted armed robbery and sentenced to death. The death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment as part of the celebrations of the Romanov dynasty tricentennial. 由斯大林早年的战友西蒙·卡莫所领导的一批革命者执行。此 类活动在俄国社会民主工党第5届代表大会上被明令禁止,党内 对布尔什维克的行为十分愤怒。由此,列宁和斯大林事后极力试 图同此次抢劫划清界限。 由于警方已知晓钞票的编号,大部分抢劫所得的大额纸币无 法为布尔什维克所使用。列宁试图让一批人于1908年1月在欧洲 多地同时兑现钞票,但这一计划失败,导致多人被捕,事件为 公众所知,并招致欧洲社会民主主义者的谴责。 Yerevan Square, scene of the robbery, photo taken in the 1870s 19世纪70年代的第比利斯埃里温广场,抢劫案的发生地 The 1907 Tiflis bank robbery, also known as the Yerevan Square expropriation,[1] was an armed robbery on 26 June 1907[a] in the city of Tiflis in the Tiflis Governorate in the Caucasus Viceroyalty of the Russian Empire (now Georgia's capital, Tbilisi). A bank cash shipment was stolen by Bolsheviks to fund their revolutionary activities. The robbers attacked a bank stagecoach and surrounding police and military using bombs and guns while the stagecoach was transporting money through Yerevan Square (now Freedom Square) between the post office and the Tiflis branch of the State Bank of the Russian Empire. The attack killed forty people and injured fifty others, according to official archive documents. The robbers escaped with 341,000 rubles (equivalent to around US 3.86 million in 2017). The robbery was organized by a number of top-level Bolsheviks, including Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Maxim Litvinov, Leonid Krasin, and Alexander Bogdanov, and executed by a party of revolutionaries led by Stalin's early associate Ter-Petrosian (Kamo). Because such activities were explicitly prohibited by the 5th Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP), the robbery and the killings caused outrage within the party against the Bolsheviks (a faction within the RSDLP). As a result, Lenin and Stalin tried to distance themselves from the robbery. 警方公布红色通缉抢银行策划首犯照片 —— 列宁同志 1895年12月 25岁零7个月 圣彼得堡沙皇秘密警察立案存档约瑟夫·斯大林同志信息卡,1911年 Yerevan Square in the 19th century Maxim Litvinov in 1920 苏维埃党中央策划武装抢银行第三号人物 马克西姆·马克西莫维奇·里维诺夫同志 Soviet plenipotentiary in London Leonid Krasin 列奥尼德·博里索维奇·克拉辛 抢银行策划第四号领导同志 亚历山大·亚历山德罗维奇·波格丹诺夫 抢银行策划第五号领导同志 Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Bogdanov, philosopher (1873–1928) A typical phaeton, as used in the robbery 列宁在伦敦的抉择: 要不要抢银行闹革命? BBC 马丁·罗森堡姆 ( Martin Rosenbaum ) 2017年 10月 17日 http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/uk-41651798 苏维埃红军创始人列昂·托洛斯基同志与他的美国朋友在墨西哥, 1940年8月21日被战友斯大林同志追杀殒命几天前珍贵照片 Leon Trotsky in Mexico with some American friends, shortly before his 1940 assassination. |
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