李光耀早年反共是事实,但德孤进一步说“李光耀实际上可以说是个民主斗士”就既不合逻辑,也不合事实了。许多伊斯兰教盛行的国家,如印尼等,也是强烈反共甚至大量屠杀共产党人的,但即使时至今日,距离民主国家的要求依然很遥远。事实上李光耀在国际上广泛地被认为是个benevolent dictatorship(好的独裁者)。下面这段这段话摘自华盛顿邮报,看看李光耀是如何看待民主,权力的。
“With few exceptions, democracy has not brought good government to new developing countries,” Mr. Lee said in a 1992 speech in Tokyo. “What Asians value may not necessarily be what Americans or Europeans value.” He ignited a furor in Manila the same year when, ignoring two decades of previous authoritarian rule, he told Philippine businessmen that their country needed “discipline more than democracy” to develop. “The exuberance of democracy leads to undisciplined and disorderly conditions which are inimical to development,” he said.
His outlook was perhaps best summed up in his 1997 biography. “Between being loved and being feared, I have always believed Machiavelli was right,” he told his biographer. “If nobody is afraid of me, I’m meaningless.”
新加坡,也绝不是像阿妞忽悠的那样:“李光耀的新加坡从一开始,就是属于民主法治资本主义国家”。有人认为新加坡是Illiberal democracy(缺乏自由的民主国家),与香港这种liberal autocracy(有自由的专制政体)正好相映成趣。但也有学者(来自哈佛及多伦多大学)不同意这种提法,认为它将民主与专制的分野给模糊了,他们认为新加坡是个competitive authoritarian regime(有竞争力的极权国家),布丁领导下的俄罗斯也是这样的国家。(参见http://iis-db.stanford.edu/evnts/4396/Levitsky-Way-Stanford.pdf)。
李光耀因为是学法律出身,所以在打击政敌、批评者时惯用的策略就是起诉对方,告对方诽谤。因为新加坡的司法系统是总是偏袒长期执政的人民行动党,所以李及他的党能屡屡得手。另外新加坡的Internal Security Act,使得李可以不经审判就随意逮捕、拘押反对派。李光耀唯一的一次失手是在加拿大安省起诉流亡在汉密尔顿的新加坡前总统Devan Nair,多谢加拿大不在李光耀的统治下。详情如下。
Devan Nair
In 1999, the former Singaporean President Devan Nair, who was living in exile in Canada, remarked in an interview with the Toronto The Globe and Mail that Lee's technique of suing his opponents into bankruptcy or oblivion was an abrogation of political rights. He also remarked that Lee is "an increasingly self-righteous know-all", surrounded by "department store dummies". In response to these remarks, Lee sued Nair in a Canadian court and Nair countersued. Lee then brought a motion to have Nair's counterclaim thrown out of court. Lee argued that Nair's counterclaim disclosed no reasonable cause of action and constituted an inflammatory attack on the integrity of the Singapore government. However, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice refused to throw out Nair's counterclaim, holding that Lee had abused the litigating process and therefore Nair had a reasonable cause of action.