公知右幼们逼白装了,波士顿马拉松爆炸案又快演砸了(组图) |
送交者: 2013年04月16日15:00:03 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
穿帮 波士顿爆炸案“新闻”演员又被认出来了
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTU5Mzc0Njg0.html 很明显右腿炸的就剩下一点骨头支棱着了,还在膝盖以上,这几个残忍的家伙还让他做轮椅,炸不死也疼死了,伤口可直接挨着轮椅垫子啊。
And if you look at him laying on the ground, the legs are in the exact same position as when he is in the wheel chair, which could explain why they didn't put him on a stretcher. Either way there would have been blood dripping as they rolled him, or if he had already bled out he would have been passed out or dead. Anyone who says the body stops itself from bleeding from that kind of trauma is full of SHIT.
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