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China provokes India again as it deploys tanks
送交者:  2021年01月04日17:34:21 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话

China provokes India again as it deploys tanks opposite Indian posts at LAC

 China has deployed tanks in front of Indian posts sending a message that Beijing in unwilling to reduce tension along the LAC.

China provokes India again as it deploys tanks opposite Indian posts at LAC

A new conspiracy of China has come to light amid the simmering border tension between India and China on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Eastern Ladakh. It is to be noted that China has deployed tanks in front of Indian posts sending a message that Beijing in unwilling to reduce tension along the LAC.

The exclusive video which is in possession of Zee News shows that China has deployed 30-35 tanks opposite Rezang La, Rechin la and Mukhosri locations. These hights were captured by Indian Army on August 29-30. These tanks are positioned against Indian positions. These tanks are light in weight and made using modern technology.

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