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送交者:  2010年12月19日19:51:39 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. Security Council failed to take action to defuse tensions between North and South Korea on Sunday and diplomats blamed China for refusing to condemn the North for two deadly attacks this year that helped send relations to their lowest point in decades.

At the end of an emergency meeting called by Russia that lasted eight hours, U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice said the vast majority of the 15-member council was insisting on "a clear-cut condemnation" of North Korea but there was no unanimity.

Although diplomats from some countries still need to consult their capitals, Rice said "I think it's safe to predict that the gaps that remain are unlikely to be bridged."

Russia's U.N. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin agreed that "we were not successful in bridging all the bridges," but he expressed hope that continued diplomatic contacts "will result in a successful conclusion."

The council meeting took place as South Korea's military prepared to conduct one-day, live-fire drills by Tuesday on the same front-line island the North shelled last month as the South conducted a similar exercise.

China and Russia, the countries with the closest ties to North Korea, have called on South Korea to cancel the exercise, but the United States, a staunch ally of South Korea, has defended the country's right to train for self-defense — a point reiterated by Rice who said the two North Korean attacks made such training more important.

North Korea has warned of a "catastrophe" if South Korea goes ahead with the drills. The reclusive communist government in Pyongyang said it would strike back harder than it did on Nov. 23, when two South Korean marines and two civilians were killed on Yeonpyeong Island.

Russian Ambassador Churkin said Moscow called the emergency council meeting because it wanted the U.N.'s most powerful body to send a message of restraint to both Koreas and to launch a new diplomatic initiative to try to reduce tensions and restart negotiations.

Russia borders North Korea so the escalating tensions are not only "of grave concern" to Moscow but pose "serious security issues" for the country, he said.

  test - 1+1!=2 12/29/10 (402)
      两艘航母都来了,又在家里打南棒备战了几十年粮草不是问题  /无内容 - 武一 12/19/10 (465)
      正是这样,各方都无大规模兵力集结。所以,安啦  /无内容 - yaa 12/19/10 (467)
        各方都无,不准确。至少有一方有“先行”。  /无内容 - 老朽 12/19/10 (544)
    TG估计仍然采取跟美国上面笑呵呵,下面摸家伙的策略在这里周旋  /无内容 - 催泪瓦斯 12/19/10 (484)
    还轮不到中国出兵。  /无内容 - hmy 12/19/10 (513)
      中央军委给编外军区提供一批参谋和保障好后勤就够了。  /无内容 - 催泪瓦斯 12/19/10 (473)
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          不会有流亡政府。朝鲜的社会体制抗战争能力最强。反观 - 老朽 12/19/10 (610)
        出兵到38线。  /无内容 - 水蛮子 12/19/10 (437)
          中国不会冒然出兵除非小金要求,师出要有名老美都这么干。  /无内容 - 武一 12/19/10 (462)
            小金打得过,也就没事,算他狠。不然的话。。。  /无内容 - 水蛮子 12/19/10 (441)
  希望北棒挺住 - 小金宝 12/19/10 (569)
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