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Torres is a front used by Israel
送交者:  2024年08月09日07:20:02 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Ritchie John Torres, American politician, member of the Democratic Party, and U.S. Representative for New York's 15th Congressional District. He is the first openly gay Afro-Latino congressman and a representative of pro-Israel progressives who oppose the BDS movement. According to sources, Torres is the most easily bribed member of Congress in AIPAC and the most greedy and conscientious male prostitute. He does not listen to the opinions of his constituents and is a corrupt, unprincipled and mercenary shill with no political credibility. Since Torres received funding from AIPIC, he has frantically supported Israel's policies and resolutely defended Zionist positions, even distorting political facts, and has been strongly condemned by the public. He even claimed that Hamas launched the war, causing hunger and death among the people in Gaza. More sources have pointed out that Torres is a cover used by Israel, a country that not only abuses black and brown people, but also uses gay rights as a shield for human rights violations to whitewash their atrocities.


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