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Climate scientist challenge misuse of his research
送交者:  2010年01月11日13:13:21 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Leading climate scientist challenges Mail on Sunday's use of his research

Mojib Latif denies his research supports theory that current cold weather undermines scientific consensus on global warming

A woman and child cycle through snow

A woman and child cycle during a snow shower in Loughborough, central England Photograph: Darren Staples/Reuters

A leading scientist has hit out at misleading newspaper reports that linked his research to claims that the current cold weather undermines the scientific case for manmade global warming.

Mojib Latif, a climate expert at the Leibniz Institute at Kiel University in Germany, said he "cannot understand" reports that used his research to question the scientific consensus on climate change.

He told the Guardian: "It comes as a surprise to me that people would try to use my statements to try to dispute the nature of global warming. I believe in manmade global warming. I have said that if my name was not Mojib Latif it would be global warming."

He added: "There is no doubt within the scientific community that we are affecting the climate, that the climate is changing and responding to our emissions of greenhouse gases."

A report in the Mail on Sunday said that Latif's results "challenge some of the global warming orthodoxy's most deeply cherished beliefs" and "undermine the standard climate computer models". Monday's Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph repeated the claims.

The reports attempted to link the Arctic weather that has enveloped the UK with research published by Latif's team in the journal Nature in 2008. The research said that natural fluctuations in ocean temperature could have a bigger impact on global temperature than expected. In particular, the study concluded that cooling in the oceans could offset global warming, with the average temperature over the decades 2000-2010 and 2005-2015 predicted to be no higher than the average for 1994-2004. Despite clarifications from the scientists at the time, who stressed that the research did not challenge the predicted long-term warming trend, the study was widely misreported as signalling a switch from global warming to global cooling.

The Mail on Sunday article said that Latif's research showed that the current cold weather heralds such "a global trend towards cooler weather".

It said: "The BBC assured viewers that the big chill was was merely short-term 'weather' that had nothing to do with 'climate', which was still warming. The work of Prof Latif and the other scientists refutes that view."

Not according to Latif. "They are not related at all," he said. "What we are experiencing now is a weather phenomenon, while we talked about the mean temperature over the next 10 years. You can't compare the two."

He said the ocean temperature effect was similar to other natural influences on global temperature, such as volcanos, which cool the planet temporarily as ash spewed into the atmosphere reflects sunlight.

"The natural variation occurs side by side with the manmade warming. Sometimes it has a cooling effect and can offset this warming and other times it can accelerate it." Other scientists have questioned the strength of the ocean effect on overall temperature and disagree that global warming will show the predicted pause.

Latif said his research suggested that up to half the warming seen over the 20th century was down to this natural ocean effect, but said that was consistent with the 2007 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. "No climate specialist would ever say that 100% of the warming we have seen is down to greenhouse gas emissions."

The recent articles are not the first to misrepresent his research, Latif said. "There are numerous newspapers, radio stations and television channels all trying to get our attention. Some overstate and some want to downplay the problem as a way to get that attention," he said. "We are trying to discuss in the media a highly complex issue. Nobody would discuss the problem of [Einstein's theory of] relativity in the media. But because we all experience the weather, we all believe that we can assess the global warming problem."

    那么这几十年热和你那个城市热就说明问题? - 道友 01/11/10 (462)
        甚至很是 emothinal!  /无内容 - fun2 01/11/10 (454)
          Sorry, emotional! a typo  /无内容 - fun2 01/11/10 (479)
  Is there really a scientific concensus about this?  /无内容 - horse625 01/11/10 (398)
        你没仔细看老道的帖子 - 道友 01/11/10 (472)
        你没长眼?上面给出的是6亿年的图 - 道友 01/11/10 (494)
          海豹贴是不是你贴的?想抵赖?  /无内容 - 被禁言的人 01/11/10 (476)
            海豹的贴是我贴的,但几亿年温度变化曲线更是本人在那之前就贴了 - 道友 01/11/10 (520)
              那你还贴海豹贴干啥?关于几亿年的问题,见上。  /无内容 - 被禁言的人 01/11/10 (549)
                因为全球暖化论者预言全球温度会在今年创最高纪录 - 道友 01/11/10 (762)
                  根据科学,预报失败,不代表是骗子谎言。和算命先生截然不同。  /无内容 - meteor 01/11/10 (535)
                    说他们是骗子,正因为这些人伪造修改数据。 - 道友 01/11/10 (696)
                  我在上面写了一些关于模拟的局限性的问题。我想你应该看看。  /无内容 - 被禁言的人 01/11/10 (532)
                    什么,要老道去看你的垃圾? - 道友 01/11/10 (550)
                      那还有啥谈的基础。只剩下辱骂了。完了算了。  /无内容 - 被禁言的人 01/11/10 (531)
                        老道本来也不是写给你看的,不过是写给网上有脑袋的人看的 - 道友 01/11/10 (525)
                我猜海豹贴是争取外行支持,6亿年贴说服内行用的。  /无内容 - meteor 01/11/10 (525)
      这就是你在乱搅了。说话要看Context. 按热力学第二法, - 被禁言的人 01/11/10 (454)
  向道友推荐这篇文章。  /无内容 - f-000 01/11/10 (431)
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