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送交者:  2010年01月08日09:10:56 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

The size of China and its population

China is one of the largest countries geographically and has the largest population. India's population is nearly as large and growing faster - it will overtake China in a few decades. Already the Indian subcontinent as a whole has more than 1.5 billion inhabitants, more than China, which is still below the 1.4 billion mark.

However, India's population is divided along many lines. There are religious divides (Hindu or Muslim, to reckon only the two largest religions of the subcontinent), ethnic-linguistic divides (Indo-European in the north and Dravidian in the south), and "national" divides (the Bengalis, although Indo-European, stand out as a distinct nation). Dozens of official languages split the country. The result is a maze of many differences in India, whereas China looks quite unitary. About 95% of its population calls itself ethnic Han. Of China's other 55 ethnicities, only two create real problems to the largely Han state, the Tibetans and the Uighurs, who together make up only about 1% of the total population of China.

Chinese, linked by language and culture, are by far the single largest concentration of people in a limited area who share common roots and thus a common destiny. And they make up more than 20% of the world population - a mass that is both vast and compact enough to control the world. 

An alien civilization

From a Western perspective, no civilization is more distant and more different than that of the Chinese. The ancient Egyptians and Babylon soon merged with the Greek civilization that inspired and was integrated into the Roman tradition. The Persians were set apart, but were a constant enemy and threat to the Roman Empire. Islam is a religion of the same God of the Jews and of the Christians, who dominate Europe and the West. The Indian civilization remained further away, but it has been in contact with the West since the time of Alexander the Great; besides, it is an Indo-European culture: its pantheon and its earliest myths share the same ancient linguistic roots as the Greco-Roman world.

China is very different. It was isolated for the whole first millennium of historical development. Its earliest proven and massive foreign influence came in the 1st century AD, with the arrival of Buddhism from India. The religion moved only east and not west, finally almost disappearing from the subcontinent while evolving and thriving in China, thus making China even more odd compared with the West.

Its sing-song language, its ideographic script, its lack of religion in the Western sense, its lack of a systematic pantheon, even its use of chopsticks and not the hands (long before forks and knives became standard in the West) for eating made China distant from the West. Even without considering that China for centuries kept to itself and was not interested in joining the trade rush the Europeans started after the discovery of America, China was, and still is to Europeans and their descendants, the closest thing to Mars there is on Earth.

Furthermore, unlike other civilizations, such as the pre-Columbian American peoples or those in Africa, which were easily wiped out by the sophisticated onslaught of disease, crosses and gunpowder, China had a resilient civilization, hard to put down.

Still the civilization and its language are very hard for foreigners to learn. Western children need about six days to learn the basics of reading and writing through the alphabet. For the same task, a Chinese child takes six years - the whole Chinese primary-school system basically teaches a child just the basics of reading and writing.

A world so different becoming so important is objectively scary for those who are not Chinese.

  西方以后多学点中国的东西,就不会感到陌生了。  /无内容 - 醒狮 01/08/10 (399)
  中心思想: China is hard to wipe out, ... - iioo_8 01/08/10 (510)
    整合固然是智慧,发展也是硬道理, - bookmarks 01/08/10 (481)
      有点像matrix  /无内容 - 机械化神经元 01/08/10 (427)
  西方文化的中心就是自私。只有我。  /无内容 - gruezi 01/08/10 (487)
      屠杀瘟疫灾荒贯穿了中国历史。整合都基于大规模人口杀灭  /无内容 - bookmarks 01/08/10 (433)
        去查阅一下古代欧洲史,只有更严重 - lotofrain 01/08/10 (457)
          三国人口减灭了80%。没什么外族入侵 - bookmarks 01/08/10 (459)
      精辟! - wolf3 01/08/10 (431)
        欧洲的文化从来就不是要整合世界, 而是要奴役世界. - 潜水很多年 01/08/10 (459)
          所以他们主导,最后肯定是分崩离析,中东的bible哲学  /无内容 - 父皇 01/08/10 (469)
            他们也在总结经验教训, 比如欧盟的成立.不过, 文化的弱点很 - 潜水很多年 01/08/10 (554)
              欧盟是没有前途的,这次哥本哈根会议已经看出倪端了。 - 大鹦鹉 01/08/10 (480)
        东亚还是美国主导,中国只是没捣乱而已。何来中国搞定的周边?  /无内容 - 方块 01/08/10 (432)
          美国和苏联的角斗场,但是在越战和冷战后结束 - 父皇 01/08/10 (489)
            应该是美国和中国共同主导吧,中国还没有自己主导的实力 - 潜水很多年 01/08/10 (469)
              谁掌握和战决定权,就是谁主导,不看谁怎么说怎么声称  /无内容 - 父皇 01/08/10 (431)
            别说日本,就是韩国,台湾也不认可中国的领头羊角色。还是听美国  /无内容 - 方块 01/08/10 (435)
              这些地方最大的贸易投资伙伴,都是中国大陆啦,军事上全看中国的 - 父皇 01/08/10 (546)
              这是小国的生存技巧. 和傍大款是一个道理.  /无内容 - 潜水很多年 01/08/10 (465)
      不知道德者,行世如瞎子走于荒野。无德者,畜生不如。  /无内容 - 醒狮 01/08/10 (405)
      这不是骗自己,是生存的智慧.  /无内容 - 潜水很多年 01/08/10 (421)
        这是一个在没有逻辑和理性的条件下的劣质替代品  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 01/08/10 (452)
          奔不如马,力不如牛,但人的理性和逻辑可以超越了所有生物 - 太阳黑子 01/08/10 (475)
            理性和逻辑,跟德仁兼爱并不矛盾。就跟巴菲特操纵股价同时 - 不如偷 01/08/10 (479)
              你总把不同层面上的东西做比较。你属于无法讨论的一类人  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 01/08/10 (464)
                你根本就是个笨蛋,连意思都没搞明白  /无内容 - 父皇 01/08/10 (452)
                  道德经,是统治之术的意思,不是个人修身养性 - 父皇 01/08/10 (477)
              德的古意指上位的恩慈,他根本就没搞明白 - 父皇 01/08/10 (476)
                不同水平确实很难沟通。你说中了要害。  /无内容 - 不如偷 01/08/10 (434)
            你显然不明白bible,那只是意识形态上的小东西 - 父皇 01/08/10 (456)
              古人云,忠孝仁义,这里并没有德 - 父皇 01/08/10 (441)
          这个逻辑和理性是你还无法理解的, 仅此而已.  /无内容 - 潜水很多年 01/08/10 (455)
          德(仁)是最有逻辑的,奔不如马,力不如牛 - 不如偷 01/08/10 (461)
        别人的大脑是个花园,太黑的大脑是个大杂院。 - 不如偷 01/08/10 (433)
      那个怎么也比基督教或者伊斯兰教更合理  /无内容 - 父皇 01/08/10 (417)
      太黑看见小孩子要掉井里,会伸手去拉一把吗?  /无内容 - 不如偷 01/08/10 (424)
        他要会拉,他就不叫太黑了!!!  /无内容 - diver 01/08/10 (422)
        太黑,如果你弄懂了这个问题,就弄懂了中国文化最基本的那块基石  /无内容 - 不如偷 01/08/10 (391)
  中国人在西方文化中确实是几乎就是外星人  /无内容 - 不如偷 01/08/10 (363)
    就是在今天,中国人仍然和中国以外的世界格格不入 - 太阳黑子 01/08/10 (418)
      不入挺好,都入了,人类就成了近亲繁殖了。  /无内容 - 不如偷 01/08/10 (377)
        入了,人类就成了近亲繁殖了---CBA?  /无内容 - hg57 01/08/10 (362)
        西方有过机会,世界80%被他们直接统治过,但还是分崩离析 - 父皇 01/08/10 (433)
      世界因该中国化, Pax Sinica,西方只会把事搞糟  /无内容 - 父皇 01/08/10 (384)
        你得先证明中国文化同样或更优秀,目前说这话太早  /无内容 - 不如偷 01/08/10 (363)
          历史上中国的主导区都是非常稳定和谐,西方500年并不成功  /无内容 - 父皇 01/08/10 (359)
            中国历史稳定和谐只是个传说,大概每300年人就死一半。  /无内容 - 不如偷 01/08/10 (407)
              那个才是胡说,不可能  /无内容 - 父皇 01/08/10 (413)
  civilization!不难理解 ... - yudi 01/08/10 (382)
    这次经济危机的各国成绩单 - 父皇 01/08/10 (515)
  it is natural for the westerners to think that way - anoneagle 01/08/10 (392)
    Right on. - lotofrain 01/08/10 (308)
  这是西人不能容忍不同文化的真实心态。 - lotofrain 01/08/10 (330)
      西方人只容忍弱势文化。  /无内容 - 大鹦鹉 01/08/10 (265)
        这句话说的很对,而且适用于所有人  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 01/08/10 (270)
          就是不适合你。  /无内容 - madmax 01/08/10 (271)
  就一句话,非我族类,其心必异  /无内容 - 大鹦鹉 01/08/10 (243)
  看上去像个中国人写的。  /无内容 - 方块 01/08/10 (261)
    意大利人写的  /无内容 - 父皇 01/08/10 (284)
      怪不得,行文没有生动性,干巴巴的。  /无内容 - 方块 01/08/10 (252)
        你大概肥皂剧式的文章看多了,不过那些都是给群氓看的  /无内容 - 父皇 01/08/10 (260)
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