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送交者:  2015年10月23日23:34:22 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话


“The theory of electrons, and its applications to the phenomena of light and radiant heat ”by Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon, 1853-1928, published 1909


网上免费阅读或下载处(直接在网上阅读也比较方便;如下载,该网页右面可以选择PDF文件格式;相关内容在PP. 229-230):







“I cannot speak here of the many highly interesting applications that Einstein has made of this principle, his results concerning electromagnetic and optical phenomena leading to the same contradiction with Kaufmann’s results that was pointed out in §179) agree in the main with whose which we have obtained in the preceding pages, the chief difference being that Einstein simply postulates what we have deduced, with some difficulty and not altogether satisfactorily, from the fundamental equations of electromagnetic field. By doing so, he may certainly take credit for making us see in the negative result of experiments like those of Michelson, Rayleigh, and Brace, not a fortuitous compensation of opposing effects, but the manifestation of a general and fundamental principle.”

“Yet, I think, something may also be claimed in favor of the form in which I have presented the theory. I cannot but regard the ether, which can be the seat of an electromagnetic field with its energy and vibrations, as endowed with a certain degree of substantiality, however different it may be from all ordinary matter. In this line of thought, it seems natural not to assume at starting that it can never make any difference whether a body moves through the ether or not, and to measure distances and lengths of time by means of rods and clocks having a fixed position relatively to the ether. ”

“It would be unjust not to add that, besides the fascinating boldness of its starting point, Einstein’s theory has another marked advantage over mine. Whereas I have not been able to obtain for the equations referred to moving axes exactly the same form as for those which apply to a stationary system, Einstein has accomplished this by means of a system of new variables slightly different from those which I have introduced. I have not availed myself of his substitutions, only because the formulae are rather complicated and look somewhat artificial, unless one deduces them from the principle of relativity itself.”


  不妙,忘了请版主上班了:有劳版主大驾,敬请盯着讨论。  /无内容 - acarefreeman 10/24/15 (619)
            来不来是你的自由,I don't care.不过凭我的直觉, - acarefreeman 10/25/15 (572)
        关于洛伦兹的一段引文的翻译问题:四(A)、以上两个翻译究竟 - acarefreeman 10/24/15 (519)
          关于洛伦兹的一段引文的翻译问题:四(B)、以上两个翻译哪个 - acarefreeman 10/24/15 (597)
            关于洛伦兹的一段引文的翻译问题:四(C)、以上两个翻译哪个 - acarefreeman 10/24/15 (563)
              关于洛伦兹的一段引文的翻译问题:四(D)、以上两个翻译哪个 - acarefreeman 10/24/15 (525)
                关于洛伦兹的一段引文的翻译问题:四(E)、以上两个翻译哪个 - acarefreeman 10/24/15 (525)
                  结束语:即便acarefreeman不能百分百地肯定“声明” - acarefreeman 10/24/15 (590)
      知道我为什么跟你算账没完吗?就是因为你的这句: - acarefreeman 10/24/15 (571)
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