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送交者:  2015年10月07日18:43:06 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Russian missiles 'hit IS in Syria from Caspian Sea'

A warship launches a missile in the Caspian Sea

Russia says it has launched rocket strikes on Islamic State targets in Syria from its warships in the Caspian Sea - about 1,500km (930 miles) away.

Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said four warships fired 26 sea-based cruise missiles on 11 targets, destroying them.

Meanwhile, Syrian ground troops have launched an offensive under Russian air cover, Syrian officials say.

Russia denies claims that its week of strikes have mainly hit non-IS targets.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported "the most intense fighting in months" in Hama and Idlib provinces. The clashes followed a wave of Russian air strikes in the same areas, it said.

It appears to be the first co-ordinated offensive since the air campaign by Russia - a staunch ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad - began on 30 September.

Russia says it is targeting "all terrorists", but at least some of its air strikes have reportedly hit civilians and Western-backed rebels.

  这是拿ISIS做靶子做武器实验嘛  /无内容 - 难得明白 10/07/15 (590)
  既然已经空袭,用巡航弹没太大稀奇。稀奇是在里海  /无内容 - eastwest 10/07/15 (839)
    土耳其不充导弹过境,不能从黑海打。  /无内容 - foc 10/07/15 (580)
      地中海  /无内容 - eastwest 10/08/15 (570)
        事出有因,能去地中海的舰也许不能打陆攻弹。猜想: - foc 10/08/15 (629)
    深远内陆美国够不着,它却能覆盖整个中西亚,从阿富汗到叙利亚  /无内容 - 难得明白 10/07/15 (549)
  俄武器试验场,推销武器的展示平台。也有快过期弹药的销毁地。  /无内容 - 大国有大国的智慧 10/07/15 (628)
  28枚巡航导弹1500公里。震慑了北约。  /无内容 - shanghai1228 10/07/15 (773)
    用流氓手段对付流氓,用土匪手段对付土匪。  /无内容 - 大漠狼烟 10/07/15 (552)
  普金是毛的传人,牢记枪杆子里出一切!  /无内容 - pipeline 10/07/15 (703)
    普已经算胆小了,中期选举后观察了一年才动手 - 德黑兰43 10/07/15 (769)
          据说实际上培养了五十多个。没人问那四十多去哪里了。ISIL?  /无内容 - 评民 10/07/15 (1040)
  毛子不动则已,动起来甩开膀子大干 - lotofrain 10/07/15 (759)
  航迹图 - 德黑兰43 10/07/15 (1641)
    里海竟然有毛子大型军舰 - highsierra 10/07/15 (682)
        所以中国052D/055驱逐舰带巡航导弹是很自然的  /无内容 - 古宇庙 10/08/15 (590)
          这个可以有。052D和055上的YJ18就是鳖版俱乐部。  /无内容 - 驭风 10/08/15 (573)
          根本没关系好不好?不同的舰种、不同的吨位、不同的使用原则。 - pacificsalmon 10/08/15 (554)
            都是你想象的原则  /无内容 - 古宇庙 10/08/15 (520)
      别紧张,船不大,只比导弹艇大点。不过导弹一点不小。  /无内容 - 难得明白 10/08/15 (563)
    他的黑海舰队呢?  /无内容 - LM9 10/07/15 (501)
  是里海,不是地中海 - 德黑兰43 10/07/15 (713)
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