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章家敦崩溃系列最新力作 ——危险来临:强势美元将拿下虚弱中国 zt
送交者:  2014年11月17日22:05:15 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

'Dangerous Scenario': Strong Dollar To Take Down Weak China


Just hours after the Federal Open MarketCommittee announced the end of its bond-buying program, Xinhua News Agencyissued an article explaining how China’s economy was put at risk by thelong-awaited move. Beijing, among emerging market capitals, is especiallynervous about the Fed’s exit from the six-year, $3.9 trillion effort.

Ma Guangyuan, an independent Beijing-basedeconomist, told Xinhua, the official media outlet, that two things are certainin the wake of Wednesday’s announcement by the Fed: the dollar will go higherand dollars will flow from emerging markets back home.

At first glance, China should be relativelyimmune from a strengthening greenback. After all, the renminbi is essentiallytied to the dollar as the People’s Bank of China , the central bank, makes surethe Chinese currency trades near a mid-point it fixes every trading day.




Consequently, there should be no rush outof the yuan, as the renminbi is informally known, into safe-haven Americanmoney. Yet China is only theoretically immune from the crises that ravishedEast Asia in 1997 and Russia in 1998, both triggered by a strong buck.


For one thing, the link between the Chineseand American currencies costs China dearly: a rising dollar pushes the renminbihigher and the Chinese economy lower. Net exports, dependent on a cheap currency,are now the main prop for China’s growth as consumption is falling andinvestment stagnating. A strengthening renminbi will not affect sales to theU.S., China’s most important customer, but it will price Chinese manufacturersout of their newest markets, where margins are already thin.

As a result of the stronger currency,Beijing will essentially have three choices to create growth. First, it canimplement structural reform, something it has been reluctant to do and which inany event will not produce results in the short-term. Second, Chinesetechnocrats can resort to even more state stimulus, but that stratagem hasalready lost much of its effectiveness. Third, the central bank can engineer adecline in the yuan, something it did in the beginning of this year.



Another round of depreciating the currency,however, is probably the last thing Chinese leaders should be thinking about atthis particular time. As Ma Guangyuan, the economist, told Xinhua, the end ofthe Fed’s bond-buying will surely suck money out of emerging economies. Chinais close to the top of the list of countries bound to be hurt.

In the first months of this year Beijingcrushed speculators betting on a rising yuan by borrowing dollars, the “carrytrade” as it is called. Yet now the general flow of currency is inthe other direction. In Q3, outflows triggered a surprising drop in thecountry’s foreign currency reserves of $100 billion.



And there is a lot more money to flow out.Chinese borrowers have gorged on cheap greenbacks in the past half decade, manyof them from Hong Kong. Some believe China’s share of the global carry tradeapproaches $2 trillion, and perhaps half of recent lending to emerging marketshas been to the country’s ravenous borrowers. Worryingly, about four-fifths ofsuch loans to China are for maturities of less than a year. At higherrates—perhaps coming next year—some of these loans may end up looking as bad bets, and banks might be unwilling to roll them over.


As Citigroup C -0.11%’sGuilermo Mondino and David Lubin note, the combination of increasing short-termU.S. rates and a “more volatile” yuan could create “a dangerous scenario” of “arather large capital outflow from China.”

The majority of analysts are not especiallyconcerned about “fickle” money, however. “China is somewhat of a unique casegiven the degree of state control over the system, and so we don’t think afinancial crisis is likely,” notes Julian Evans-Pritchard of CapitalEconomics to CNN Money.

花旗集团(Citigroup)的吉列尔莫·蒙迪诺(Guilermo Mondino)和大卫·鲁宾(DavidLubin)指出,短期美国利率上升和“更加不稳定”的人民币这两件事的组合将会导致“一个危险的情况”即“中国相当巨量的资本流出”。

不过大部分的分析家并不是特别的担心“反复无常”的资金。CNN财经负责资本经济的Julian Evans-Pritchard 指出:“中国是个特例,国家对金融系统的控制程度是空前的,因此我们并不认为会发生金融危机。”

It is true Beijing maintains a tightlycontrolled financial system, including a high currency wall, but China’scurrency regulators are usually no match for inventive, deceptive, anddetermined speculators. September’s import and export numbers reveal how porousthe country’s borders are. During that month exports were up an astounding 15.3%.The number, however, was undoubtedly inaccurate as there was a surge of salesto Hong Kong. China reported it exported $37.6 billion to Hong Kong, but HongKong said it imported only $24.1 billion from China.


The difference is largely attributed tospeculators sending cash into the People’s Republic, perhaps to take advantageof an anticipated rise in Shanghai stocks when the Shanghai and Hong Kongmarkets are linked. September’s suspicious export number brought to mind thefictitious figures of last spring, a sign of another boutof hot money inflows involving Hong Kong.


And on the other side of the ledger,September imports were up 7.0%. Consensus estimates for themonth had imports down 2.7%. The difference? Undoubtedly,hot money flowing out, perhaps disguised by paperwork for goods allegedlycoming from South Korea.


The Federal Open Market Committee onWednesday pledged to keep interest rates near zero “for a considerable time.”When speculators want to exit China—either when the Fed raises rates or beforethen—they will take their cash out as they please. Beijing, it is now clear,cannot enforce its currency rules.


    發動戰爭,軍事上也沒能力真的打敗中國。  /无内容 - yehe 11/18/14 (502)
  章对中国经济的预言还有价值的。 - good sniper 11/17/14 (871)
    - - = +  /无内容 - eachus 11/18/14 (471)
    中国拿下虚涨的美国  /无内容 - balei 11/18/14 (529)
      You got it!  /无内容 - good sniper 11/18/14 (511)
  他忘了中国的市场规则是中国政府随时可以改的。  /无内容 - pipeline 11/17/14 (433)
  忽悠老美20年TG疯长20年,功劳大大的,继续忽悠!  /无内容 - 老马也糊涂 11/17/14 (485)
  这人很聪明。他利用了西方人 - 太阳黑子 11/17/14 (1288)
    你这句话说到点子上了!不过这也就说明了他的人品!  /无内容 - 诛文丑 11/17/14 (556)
      其实他也没有伤害到谁,纯粹娱乐商业作家而已 - 太阳黑子 11/17/14 (675)
        谁说没伤害?他把美国的智库、政府骗得不浅。甚至有说他是共谍的  /无内容 - 评民 11/17/14 (630)
          除非做出庭律师,商务律师也是穷人,还没有水管工赚的多。  /无内容 - shanghai1228 11/18/14 (541)
            记得全美商务移民之类填表格的律师平均收入只有三万多 - 太阳黑子 11/18/14 (574)
            他有出Newsletter吗?他的网站是免费的。名人挣钱也要 - eastwest 11/17/14 (615)
              写畅销书不赚钱吗?  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 11/17/14 (568)
                黑子该学学,开了公厕就别免费供纸啦  /无内容 - balei 11/18/14 (538)
                现在卖不出了  /无内容 - eastwest 11/17/14 (561)
          干律师这行不是更容易出卖人格?还是小说的好  /无内容 - eachus 11/17/14 (515)
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