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送交者:  2014年04月27日14:50:18 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

New Delhi: In its quest to develop a two layered Ballistic Missile Defence system, India’s premier defence research outfit DRDO today carried out the maiden Prithvi Defence Vehicle (PDV) mission. The PDV mission is designed for engaging the targets in the exo-atmosphere region at about more than 120km altitude. Both, the PDV interceptor and the two stage target equipped with motors have been specially developed for the PDV mission. The target was developed for mimicking a “hostile Ballistic Missile approaching from more than 2000 km away” was launched at 0907 hrs from a Ship in the Bay of Bengal.

In an automated operation, radar based detection and tracking system detected and tracked the enemy’s ballistic missile. The computer network with the help of data received from Radars predicted the Trajectory of the incoming Ballistic Missile. PDV that was kept fully ready, took-off once the Computer system gave the necessary command for lift-off.

The Interceptor guided by high accuracy Inertial Navigation System (INS) supported by a Redundant Micro Navigation System moved towards the estimated point of the interception. Once Missile crossed atmosphere, the Heat Shield ejected and the IR Seeker dome opened to look at the Target location as designated by the Mission Computer. With the help of Inertial Guidance and IR Seeker the Missile moved for interception.

All events were monitored in real-time by the Telemetry/Range Stations, at various other locations. The mission was completed and the interception parameters were achieved.

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