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送交者:  2012年11月12日19:31:27 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话


Here’s the e-mail trick Petraeus and Broadwell used to communicate

Posted by Max Fisher on November 12, 2012 at 6:10 pm

CIA Director David Petraeus and Paula Broadwell, a former military intelligence officer and his biographer, adopted a well-worn online trick, in an apparent attempt to keep their communications secret.

They wrote their “intimate messages” as draft e-mails in a shared Gmail account, according to the AP, allowing them to see one anothers’ messages while leaving a much fainter data trail. When messages are sent and received, both accounts record the transmission as well as such metadata as the IP addresses on either end, something the two seemed to be seeking to avoid.

Petraeus and Broadwell apparently used a trick, known to terrorists and teen-agers alike, to conceal their email traffic, one of the law enforcement officials said.

Rather than transmitting emails to the other’s inbox, they composed at least some messages and instead of transmitting them, left them in a draft folder or in an electronic “dropbox,” the official said. Then the other person could log onto the same account and read the draft emails there. This avoids creating an email trail that is easier to trace.

The trick has achieved notoriety as a tactic of terrorists who are rightly wary of espionage.

It’s the sort of measure you take if you fear there’s a risk that someone will look in on you. And it’s been around for quite some time, which may be why the FBI investigators were not fooled by it.

A January 2005 PBS special on al-Qaeda identified the tactic as one of several “terrorist tricks,” alongside logging in from public Internet cafes. The trick is also used in a 2008 spy film “Traitor.”

  学了也没用,局子和你过不去! - 老妖 11/12/12 (511)
  搞笑,CIA头子用Gmail?  /无内容 - shanghai1228 11/12/12 (486)
    开个帐户难吗?小布什还用yahoo信箱呢  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 11/12/12 (495)
  这个太低级了 - laker_fan 11/12/12 (591)
    你说局长低级?  /无内容 - 父皇 11/12/12 (488)
      其实这是没有任何工具下保密的不错办法,即使有工具也难免不漏  /无内容 - 父皇 11/12/12 (455)
  现在这是特工的标准手段之一 - 父皇 11/12/12 (618)
    听说,好像,谣传这方式不是美国人先用。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/12/12 (494)
      估计是安拉弟子先搞得,便宜实用,现在谁都玩  /无内容 - 父皇 11/12/12 (488)
        谣传是亚洲地区先用。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/12/12 (501)
          难道是兔子AA的原创?  /无内容 - helmsman 11/12/12 (486)
            不会吧。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/12/12 (510)
          局长肯定是不想用专业工具,用了可能还更麻烦  /无内容 - 父皇 11/12/12 (512)
            精辟!  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/12/12 (489)
            他一个丘八刚转业的,中情局最厉害的招数大概才学了个皮毛  /无内容 - helmsman 11/12/12 (497)
              那个反而不能用,finger print太明显,自找麻烦  /无内容 - 父皇 11/12/12 (507)
                这年头接头暗语鸡毛信之类反而最安全了  /无内容 - helmsman 11/12/12 (513)
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