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美國務院發言人證實 王立軍確曾衝進美領館(圖)
送交者:  2012年02月08日20:57:04 於 [世界軍事論壇] 發送悄悄話

美國國務院發言人維多利亞.努蘭(Victoria Nuland)8日證實,王立軍試圖在美國領事館有一個會面,後來自己離開。但她拒絕評論王是否尋求難民身份或庇護。







網絡上各種消息滿天飛 網民熱議


網絡上還盛傳,王立軍進領館,目的是為了逃離重慶,而不是為了逃離中國,同時將材料交給國際第三方。待中央來人,他自己離開的領館。事實是當時很多 都是重慶過來的武警,想過來抓王立軍,但是王在領事館,美領事館報警,最後成都出動裝甲車和重慶對抗,最後中央來人,重慶執意不讓帶走王,雙方發生衝突, 最後胡,溫下令將王帶走,為了是保護他。



Speculation surrounds fate of China’s police chief

U.S. state department confirms Wang visited consulate

China’s police chief Wang Lijun has dropped from sight after unconfirmed reports he was seeking U.S. asylum.
China’s police chief Wang Lijun has dropped from sight after unconfirmed reports he was seeking U.S. asylum. (Associated Press)

The former top cop of a major Chinese city has dropped from sight amid unconfirmed reports he is seeking U.S. asylum following a quarrel with one of China's most powerful local politicians.

Wang Lijun, a crusading lawman who made his name busting crime gangs and inspired a drama on state TV, has taken leave to recover from anxiety and overwork, the city government of Chongqing said in a statement Wednesday.

Wang, who also is a vice mayor of Chongqing, was shifted out of his role as police chief last week, prompting speculation of a falling-out with the city's powerful Communist Party secretary, Bo Xilai, who is widely believed to be seeking national office.

The police chief may have fallen out of favour because his 2008-2010 crackdown on criminal gangs strayed from standard procedures and clashed with the central government's current campaign to strengthen the rule of law, Beijing-based political analyst Li Fan said.

Days of speculation about his situation spiked Wednesday with online reports that he sought asylum at the American consulate in the nearby southwestern city of Chengdu on Tuesday after quarelling with Bo.

Washington confirms Wang visited consulate

In Washington, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland confirmed that Wang sought and had a meeting at the consulate and later left "of his own volition." She declined to comment on whether he had sought refugee status or asylum.

She said to her knowledge, the consulate had not been in contact with Wang since the meeting.

Employees of businesses near the Chengdu consulate reported large numbers of police vehicles in the area on Tuesday night, but said the area was quiet on Wednesday.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin told reporters he had no information on the matter.

A city government spokesman, who like many Chinese bureaucrats would give only his surname, Ye, said he could neither deny or confirm the reports of Wang's asylum bid.

"We saw that on the Internet, too. I don't have relevant information now," Ye said.

Online search results blocked

In a sign of the sensitivity of the matter, search results for Wang and Bo were blocked on China's hugely popular Sina Weibo microblogging service and the comments sections attached to online reports about Wang were disabled.

Bo, who sits on the Communist Party's powerful 25-member Politburo, appointed Wang in 2008 to clean up the force and take on organized crime in a campaign that drew national attention, as well as criticism that it ignored proper legal procedures.

Wang, a 52-year-old martial arts expert, entered law enforcement in 1984 and served more than two decades in northeast Liaoning province, where Bo was once governor. He won a reputation for personal bravery in confronting gangs and was once the subject of a TV drama called "Iron-Blooded Police Spirits."

His law enforcement success led eventually to high political office and a seat in the national parliament, while his association with Bo gave him countrywide name recognition.

A former commerce minister, Bo is considered a leading "princeling" in the party, a reference to the offspring of communist elders whose connections and degrees from top universities have won them entry into the country's elite.

Bo garnered huge publicity for his anti-crime campaign and an accompanying drive to revive communist songs and poems from the 1950s and 1960s, spurring talk that he was seeking a promotion. Those campaigns have since fizzled, leading analysts to pull back on speculation that he might be elevated to higher office when the party begins a generational change in leadership later this year.

Chinese political analysts say Bo has been cutting ties with the advisers behind the "red songs" and anti-crime drives in hopes of reviving his political fortunes. (美聯社)

  為什麼英文是visit, 中文是“衝進”領事館? - shanghai1228 02/08/12 (542)
  確實是走投無路了。這樣還能保命。 - chihu 02/08/12 (529)
  不是王立軍瘋了,就是其他人瘋了. - 老粗 02/08/12 (625)
      名氣,級別,五代訪問前夕,實在是太不合適。  /無內容 - hmy 02/08/12 (527)
    都瘋了的可能性也不小  /無內容 - 生人 02/08/12 (524)
      聽說:崔天凱,星期四說,孤立事件,已經解決。  /無內容 - hmy 02/08/12 (554)
        上峰要把這一頁趕緊翻過去  /無內容 - 生人 02/08/12 (541)
          題外話:聽說,愛我華,各種人都會去,可能熱鬧。  /無內容 - hmy 02/08/12 (552)
            就像燒肉湯,剛開鍋時血沫髒東西都會滾到湯麵上,撇掉關小火就沒 - 生人 02/08/12 (542)
    無論WLJ是什麼結局,CCP是越來越不C了。  /無內容 - hmy 02/08/12 (554)
      第二個C早沒了,皇帝新衣。只有第一個C可以當旗子打了  /無內容 - 生人 02/08/12 (549)
        應該是這樣,江山如此多嬌...。  /無內容 - hmy 02/08/12 (519)
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