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法国国庆阅兵 (2)
送交者:  2011年07月14日15:44:34 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

PARIS, FRANCE - JULY 14: 'Le XV du Pacifique,' a French Army rugby union team with soldiers from the French Pacific islands, performs a haka on the place de la Concorde during the annual Bastille day parade on the Champs-Elysees on July 14, 2011 in Paris, France. The French National Day celebrates its revolution in the storming of the Bastille in 1789 through various parades and official ceremonies throughout France

PARIS, FRANCE - JULY 14: Soldiers from the Castelnaudary 4th Foreign Regiment (Legion etrangere) march down the Champs-Elysees during the annual Bastille day parade on July 14, 2011 in Paris, France. The French National Day celebrates its revolution in the1789 through various parades in the storming of the Bastille in 1789 through various parades and official ceremonies throughout France

Pionneers from Aubagne's 1st Foreign Regiment (Legion etrangere) march down the Champs-Elysees during the annual Bastille day parade in Paris, on July 14, 2011

  斧头兵是外籍军团 - George2011 07/15/11 (383)
  那些斧头兵,不看标题还以为是印度又在滑稽阅兵。  /无内容 - blue_sky 07/14/11 (380)
  拿破仑之后法国军队好像就没啥可称道的战绩。。。  /无内容 - 无为 07/14/11 (397)
    欧盟不成器,整个欧洲都要被植民数佰年方得重生。  /无内容 - 密码安全 07/14/11 (390)
    拿破仑之后法国军队没有打过胜仗。  /无内容 - 小鱼锅贴 07/14/11 (474)
      钢牙利爪的法兰西,现在连利比亚都打不动了。  /无内容 - 老朽 07/14/11 (414)
      和中国打的中法战争总体上算是法赢了,但也是惨赢。  /无内容 - e-mail 07/14/11 (401)
        法国战争失利,总理下台,但清朝却赔了款  /无内容 - 父皇 07/14/11 (407)
          两方在战役上各有输赢,清政府不能换皇帝,但整个军机处给撤换。  /无内容 - e-mail 07/14/11 (403)
      可见军事统帅的能力有决定性因素 - eastwest 07/14/11 (453)
        拿破仑让法国元气耗尽,打断了脊椎 - 父皇 07/14/11 (491)
          滑铁卢一役还是有很大的偶然性。如果拿破伦胜了,历史也 - eastwest 07/14/11 (501)
            滑铁卢法国胜英国也没败,英国赢一次就成,拿破仑大决策不行  /无内容 - 父皇 07/14/11 (422)
              从波拿巴之后,拉丁民族集体歇菜  /无内容 - 阿芙乐尔 07/14/11 (398)
                山寨羅馬人不是拉丁民族,是說山寨拉丁語的日耳曼人  /无内容 - heweitao 07/15/11 (430)
      你说的太直接,太不给面子了。。。  /无内容 - 无为 07/14/11 (384)
    对于智商在36到72之间波动的,说什么都无所谓。  /无内容 - 小鱼锅贴 07/14/11 (385)
      用人的标准肯定不准  /无内容 - 父皇 07/14/11 (429)
        嘿嘿,才看懂。。刚才还以为 用人=雇人。  /无内容 - 小鱼锅贴 07/14/11 (376)
          小教主总是把俺贴的精髓给改掉  /无内容 - 父皇 07/14/11 (373)
  前几张在练硬气功,居然还有斧头兵?  /无内容 - macrowave 07/14/11 (383)
    不是气功,毛利haka  /无内容 - 弯弯绕 07/14/11 (366)
    斧头兵这个兵种,游戏里经常可以选  /无内容 - bigeye 07/14/11 (436)
      一般都是矮人族,力量奇大,还可以投掷飞斧,比这厉害。  /无内容 - macrowave 07/14/11 (417)
      好像是厨师,还带着围裙  /无内容 - laker_fan 07/14/11 (388)
        剁肉的还是砍柴的?  /无内容 - lurk 07/14/11 (410)
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