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India pre-empts Chinese design in Arunachal

Manan Kumar
First Published : 01 Apr 2009 01:59:00 AM IST
Last Updated : 01 Apr 2009 08:52:50 AM IST

NEW DELHI: Amid the hullabaloo of general elections, the Centre has quietly achieved a significant feat by clearing the decks for initiating work on the biggest and strategically very important hydroelectric project on the Siang river, a major tributary of the Brahmaputra, in Arunachal Pradesh.

India is keen on the Siang project as it will mark its territorial signature on Arunachal Pradesh, thereby helping to settle the contentious issue with China, besides pre-empting Chinese design of harnessing Siang near the Great Bend from where it wants to divert Siang’s water to its northern fertile plains.

In a meeting with the senior government officials of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam recently, the Union Ministry of Water Resources managed to crease out vital differences between the two states, thus getting in principal approval for going ahead with the work for building the country’s biggest hydro-electric project in the upper region of Siang.

Slated to be completed in next 15-20 years, the gigantic project would not only save Assam from catastrophic flooding that makes the state lose several hundred crores of rupees every year but would also generate 10,000 to 12,000 MW of hydroelectric power, thereby becoming a key component for economic growth of northeastern region.

Government sources said that after getting the in-principal approval from the two state governments, work on the detailed project report (DPR) should begin soon.

  造艘航母杀气腾腾冲将过去。  /无内容 - 不可不察 04/26/09 (370)
    中國在上游截水轉流內地是不可能的. - 三十三 04/26/09 (474)
      Nothing is impossible - sigmaxi 04/26/09 (378)
        只是在儲水期影響, 就是水庫容量大小, 而一般水庫容量, - 三十三 04/26/09 (541)
          发现33和胡适一样把A3的吹牛当真把TG当A3 - hetero 04/26/09 (418)
    很能令你欣慰的借口.  /无内容 - 三十三 04/26/09 (381)
      印建水库的确是为巩固主权,我不过是指出这不能 - xiaotian 04/26/09 (404)
  什么意思,印度要寻短见?  /无内容 - rational 04/26/09 (388)
    看樣子-印度事在必行-看中國反應了  /无内容 - 三十三 04/26/09 (382)
      呵呵,中国办事效率.印度还在破土,上游只怕要断水了.  /无内容 - rational 04/26/09 (426)
        所謂上流斷水,是不可能的事. - 三十三 04/26/09 (409)
          有什么不可能? 黄河还改道呢.  /无内容 - rational 04/26/09 (448)
        /无内容 - rational 04/26/09 (389)
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