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Full normalisation of relations with China

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher Ministry of Foreign Affairs

'I am pleased that we can announce the full normalisation of our political and diplomatic relations with China here in Beijing today. This joint statement opens up many opportunities for cooperation. We have already agreed to immediately resume negotiations on a free trade agreement,' said Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende.

Norway has not had political contact with China since 2010.

'The situation since 2010 has been challenging. This normalisation of relations is the result of long-term, painstaking diplomatic efforts on many levels to restore confidence between our two countries,' Mr Brende said.

Norway and China have developed close cooperation in a broad range of areas over the past 50 years.

'Ever since the Government took office in autumn 2013, normalising our relations with China has been a key priority,' said Mr Brende.

'Our joint statement with China today clearly confirms that we are fully normalising our relations, and that we have agreed on important steps forward in our bilateral relations. Through our talks, we have laid the foundation for broad cooperation to the mutual benefit of our countries,' Foreign Minister Brende said.

'In my conversations in Beijing today, I raised the need for resuming negotiations on a free trade agreement, as well as the need for a full normalisation of Norwegian exports to China and cooperation on a whole range of issues, including climate change and the Arctic,' Mr Brende commented.

'Cooperation with China is also important at the multilateral level. China is an indispensable partner when seeking common solutions to international challenges such as climate change and the elimination of poverty,' said Mr Brende.

The Government is planning additional political visits to China in spring 2017. A diverse group of representatives from the business sector will accompany the Norwegian delegations.


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