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correct me if you think that
送交者: rca 2016月12月07日00:30:46 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Let's keep it simple kabir 于 2016-12-06 23:32:20

I have misunderstood you. What you refer to as justice is a set of comprehensive enforceable laws that should have the intended purpose of upholding socioeoconomic fairness. am I correct? It is easy to say than to accomplish. Like all social legislatures, one man's justice is another's injustice. Like Ralph Waldo Ermerson stated "One man's beauty is another's ugliness, one man's wisdom is another's folly". On the other hand, I do understand your desire to have fair minded government with just policies that would enforce social fairness and promote economic growth. I have the same wish as well, but I also understand that we are living in a grossly imperfect world where human would invariably encroach into exercise of socioeconomic justice.   

  No, it isn't about fairness. - kabir 12/07/16 (520)
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