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Governments always meddle
送交者: rca 2016月12月06日22:37:29 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Correct. But... kabir 于 2016-12-06 21:49:01

with the economy domestic or international. Laissez faire doctrine of economy is no more than just a fiction. It is already proven false. Even Adam Smith conceded that government must take some roles in the economy to, at least, provide an environment that is conducive for a healthy eoncomic activities and to ensure minimum market manipulations. Even during the hey day of Laissez faire economy from the onset of the second industrial revolution from 1870, the rectification of Sherman action in 1890 had asserted the government's role in the nation's economic activities. The later establishment of the social security act had further strenghten government's hand in the economic life, for not just a bystander bending on maintaining the rule, but also an active participant. With that said, I do agree with you that over protection domestic industrial by the government has swung the pendulum to far to other side. In this case, government is no longer a facilitator, but an impediment.

  Justice has a role in economy - kabir 12/06/16 (534)
    If you have study economics - rca 12/06/16 (502)
      Let's keep it simple - kabir 12/06/16 (548)
        correct me if you think that - rca 12/07/16 (489)
          No, it isn't about fairness. - kabir 12/07/16 (520)
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