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Correct. But...
送交者: kabir 2016月12月06日21:49:01 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: I believe that the biggest rca 于 2016-12-06 20:52:57

the key isn't the divergence but the entrenched-ness. In a country where government doesn't meddle with the economy, a winner is constantly facing the challenges from the others. Thus he has to constantly improve in order to maintain his entrenched-ness. Anyone slacked off will be toppled. With government's help, however, he doesn't have to improve. He just needs to get the government to protect his entrenched-ness. It is probably far easier.

  Governments always meddle - rca 12/06/16 (530)
    Justice has a role in economy - kabir 12/06/16 (534)
      If you have study economics - rca 12/06/16 (502)
        Let's keep it simple - kabir 12/06/16 (548)
          correct me if you think that - rca 12/07/16 (489)
            No, it isn't about fairness. - kabir 12/07/16 (520)
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