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do you know why Washington
送交者: rca 2016月09月14日03:01:46 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 没有念过这段历史,转过来求鉴别 eachus 于 2016-09-13 21:09:48

was chosen the commander in chief to the continental army? He was chosen because of his Virginia origin and his impressive physical presence. Continental congress did not want the populace to see the war of independence as "New England War" therefore chose Washington, a southerner and a moderate, to ensure support from all colonies. In addition, Washington was chosen over John Hancock for in the words of Benjamin Rush "He has so much martial dignity in his deportment that you distinguish him to be a general and a soldier from among ten thousand people". Prior to his commission, Washington had a rather pitiable military record at the ill fated battle of Fort Necessity.

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