没有区别成两个型号,你原文没读明白,是一模一样的发动机 |
送交者: 生人 2016月04月03日02:41:42 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 谢谢。文件实际上提到两种发动机用于民用直升机的67C和 由 古宇庙 于 2016-04-03 02:11:12 |
During the development phase of the program, each Z10 military attack helicopter was powered by two PWC PT6C-67C turboshaft engines. PWC delivered ten of these development engines to China. Two of the ten development engines were used in China on a ground test rig; six engines were used on three flight test aircraft; and the remaining two engines were used as spare development engines. PWC交付了10台用于研发的67C PWC’s development engines were identical to the PT6C-67C engines that PWC was already supplying for a commercial helicopter. PWC 用于开发的(67C)引擎和PWC提供给商业直升机的(67C)引擎是一模一样的。 |
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