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送交者: 老弄堂 2014月12月08日04:35:09 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 中国水泥用量不得了,过去三年用量等于美国过去一百年总和 老弄堂 于 2014-12-08 04:23:19
BUSINESS 12/05/2014 @ 8:19AM 5,424 views

China Used More Concrete In 3 Years Than The U.S. Used In The Entire 20th Century [Infographic]

China produces and consumes about 60 percent of the world’s cement – the Three Gorges Dam alone required 16 million tonnes of it. To put China’s massive 21st century construction splurge and concrete consumption into perspective, Bill Gates made a mind blowing comparison.

According to his blog, between 2011 and 2013, China consumed 6.6 gigatons of concrete – that’s more than the U.S. used in the entire 20th century. Look at what the U.S. built between 1901 and 2000: all those skyscrapers, the Interstate, the Hoover Dam, the list goes on and on but all that concrete only amounted to 4.5 gigatons.

*Click below to enlarge (charted by Statista)


China: The King Of Concrete

  这个数据的概念不一定准确。 - 无为 12/08/14 (531)
  与中国上下五千年的用量比呢? - usezguy 12/08/14 (546)
    用木头的多。  /无内容 - 老弄堂 12/08/14 (577)
      明白人  /无内容 - usezguy 12/08/14 (536)
        片面明白而已,那木头可不是直接戳土里 - highsierra 12/08/14 (610)
  米国多数房子是木头的,中国都是水泥的.  /无内容 - 林广 12/08/14 (510)
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