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送交者: oldfarmer 2014月08月26日21:09:47 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: See for yourself oldfarmer 于 2014-08-26 21:06:41

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server for 32/64-bit x86

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server

Prices in US dollars
2 sockets, 1 physical or 2 virtual nodes
Standard Subscription (1 year)
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Premium Subscription (1 year)
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2 sockets, 1 physical or 2 virtual nodes, with Smart Management
Standard Subscription (1 year)
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Premium Subscription (1 year), includes Extended Update Support
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*For additional sockets, update quantity in cart.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Entry Level

Prices in US dollars
2 sockets
Self-support Subscription (1 year)
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2 sockets, with Smart Management
Self-support Subscription (1 year)
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*This subscription is only available for a single socket-pair; it cannot be stacked or combined.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters

2 sockets, unlimited virtual, no physical
Standard Subscription (1 year)
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Premium Subscription (1 year)
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2 sockets, unlimited virtual, no physical, with Smart Management
Standard Subscription (1 year)
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Premium Subscription (1 year), includes Extended Update Support
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*For additional sockets, update quantity in cart.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server for IBM POWER®

2 sockets (15 LPARs)
Standard Subscription (1 year)
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Premium Subscription (1 year)
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4 sockets (30 LPARs)
Standard Subscription (1 year)
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Premium Subscription (1 year)
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Previous versions

A Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription is not version specific. Once a subscription has been purchased, customers have access to currently supported versions (5, and 6) based on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle. Please note, if you are purchasing a subscription to support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, please contact sales (requires Extended Lifecycle Support -- not available online).

Read more detailed information on Red Hat's included support Service Level Agreements and scope of coverage.

Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® Server is the world's leading enterprise Linux platform. It provides IT leaders the kind of stability that frees them to take on their biggest challenges now, the flexibility to do what's most important in the future, and an extensive community of partners, customers, and experts that will be there to support their success no matter what they face. Whether rolling out new applications, virtualizing environments, or creating a secure hybrid cloud, Red Hat Enterprise Linux helps IT leaders scale their business and say yes to what's most important.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux provides:

  • The reliability, security, and support every business requires to address their critical day-to-day needs.
  • The agility, adaptability, and speed IT leaders need to do what's most important today and in the future.
  • The confidence that comes from knowing an extensive community is there to support their success no matter what challenges they face.

At Red Hat, we work closely with our hardware partners and industry standard groups to enable the latest hardware functionality as it becomes available.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Supported Architectures

  • Intel & AMD x86/x86-64
  • IBM System Z & S/390*

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, 5 Supported Architectures

  • Intel & AMD x86/x86-64
  • Intel Itanium*
  • IBM System Z & S/390*
* Not available online. Contact sales to purchase Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Intel Itanium, or IBM System z.
  Note the prices are per year, - oldfarmer 08/26/14 (502)
    My computers and my employers' - meteor 08/26/14 (522)
      I assure you that you & your - oldfarmer 08/26/14 (516)
        RightHat is no better than - meteor 08/26/14 (472)
        My company is a High High Tch - meteor 08/26/14 (524)
          Running on freeware Linux, - oldfarmer 08/26/14 (536)
            DO you know which high tech - meteor 08/26/14 (479)
            What is diffrent btw - meteor 08/26/14 (505)
              人不是为了和你讨论,而是发泄一下被压抑的情感。  /无内容 - 透气 08/27/14 (511)
        就像到IKEA买家具,你可以自己拼,也可以花钱让店里或工人拼  /无内容 - 生人 08/26/14 (476)
          right! - meteor 08/26/14 (490)
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