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What is 以党代政?
送交者: Snow 2011月09月15日12:13:05 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 温家宝:必须改革党和国家的领导制度 改变以党代政。 zippers 于 2011-09-15 09:57:33

What is 政 in the eye of 温家宝? To my understanding, it means the executive system, which carrys on the tasks.

Today's morden management system has moved to matrix management system. In any public administration system, there are two parts, executive system and oversight system. The nature of a party is an organization. It plays the role of oversight for the executive system which runs by 温家宝. The oversignt system is a split of power, better than put all powers in 温家宝.

If we look at public service industry in the western countries, even in UN, there are always two systems, one system to execute the plan and policy, the other system to monitor and control it.

I don't see any necessary to change. If 温家宝 wants to move somebody he doesn't like, that's understandable, but the management framework just work perfectly. The only problem is we need to legalize it and make it a permenent institution at the national level, instead of the party level. That is why I suggest create an institute (like board of directors) to oversea 温家宝's institution.

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