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送交者: 生人 2011月05月22日21:10:36 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 在联合国出兵决议里,信不信由你,我不当老师,更不想当保姆 大猫 于 2011-05-22 20:19:27


Resolution 83 (1950) of 27 June 1950

The Security Council,

Having determined

that the armed attack upon the Republic of Korea by forces from North Korea constitutes a breach of the peace,

Having called for

an immediate cessation of hostilities,

Having called upon

the authorities in North Korea to withdraw forthwith their armed forces to the 38th parallel,

Having noted

from the report of the United Nations Commission on Korea1 that the authorities in North Korea have neither ceased hostilities nor withdrawn their armed forces to the 38th parallel, and that urgent military measures are required to restore international peace and security,

Having noted

the appeal from the Republic of Korea to the United Nations for immediate and effective steps to secure peace and security,


that the Members of the United Nations furnish such assistance to the Republic of Korea as may be necessary to repel the armed attack and to restore international peace and security in the area.

Adopted at the 474th meeting
by 7 votes to 1 (Yugoslavia).


1 Official Records of the Security Council, Fifth Year, No. 16

, 474th meeting, p. 2 (document S/1507).

2 Two members (Egypt, India) did not participate in the voting; one member

  你没资格当老师,也不会有人请满嘴胡说的你当保姆。  /无内容 - 生人 05/22/11 (389)
      那是你的推论。原文已经贴在上面,看不懂自费请翻译去。  /无内容 - 生人 05/22/11 (377)
        推论符合实际就行,出兵打了还不武器禁运也只有你这样的人才会做  /无内容 - 大猫 05/22/11 (380)
          条文中没有,就是没有。法律不禁止的,就是能做。不懂回去学习去  /无内容 - 生人 05/22/11 (365)
            那你去打朝鲜吧,看中国给不给朝鲜武器,还法律呢  /无内容 - 大猫 05/22/11 (398)
              我们在讨论苏联有没有违反联合国武器禁运卖中国武器,怎么绕到打 - 生人 05/22/11 (412)
                中国在朝鲜战争打一半时换装波波沙和喀秋莎,你大概又不知道了  /无内容 - 大猫 05/22/11 (390)
                  地球人都知道。但是,你没证据说明这违反安理会决议,是吧?  /无内容 - 生人 05/22/11 (384)
                    既然地球人都知道了,你还争什么?难道你不是地球人?  /无内容 - 大猫 05/22/11 (390)
                      你真能绕啊。苏联卖中国武器并无违反安理会决议,明白了么?中文 - 生人 05/22/11 (364)
                禁止联合国成员国出口此类武器到朝鲜 - 生人  /无内容 - 大猫 05/22/11 (390)
                  “能否具体指出美苏向联合国武器禁运地区出口武器情况 - 生人  /无内容 - 生人 05/22/11 (387)
                    “禁止联合国成员国出口此类武器到朝鲜”是你说的吧,别不认账哦  /无内容 - 大猫 05/22/11 (426)
                      哈哈哈,你真是。。我说的1718号决议是2006年通过的,中 - 生人 05/22/11 (382)
                        麻烦你稍微有点儿脑子好不好,我都不好意思了  /无内容 - 生人 05/22/11 (363)
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