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送交者: 生人 2010月10月27日23:28:07 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 一个英文生词所引出的--纪念砥平里之战续-原州炮击 死丢脾气儿 于 2010-10-27 20:38:02




As daylight broke, the liaison pilots had their planes in the air to seek out the enemy. First reports were of two Chinese Divisions moving in column south along the Som River with the obvious intention of encircling the Wonju defenders. AOP's could see parts of the column peel off toward Wonju as it marched southward. Every available artillery piece in the 2d Division and supporting corps artillery was laid upon the marching mass of men. Thunderous barrages roared across the hills as tons of shrapnel poured into the plodding troops. Thousands of shells wrecked havoc never before seen on any army as the pilots reported the river running red with the blood of the massacred troops. Still they came, marching into the rain of death, heedless of the carnage around them they crawled forward. Hour after hour the unbelievable slaughter mounted as dog-tired, exhausted artillerymen slammed an endless stream of shells into the exposed masses of Chinese who continued to press forward. The staggering losses began to tell. The once-full ranks were now thin, blasted, shocked remnants without leaders, without hope. Slowly, as though dazed, the remains of the ranks broke. Now only unorganized bands of useless bodies, they tried to escape north out of reach of the murderous guns. The cracking rain of steel followed them northward and air took up where artillery could not reach. The attack was broken, the threat to Wonju was no longer critical. The "Wonju Shoot" had cost the enemy 5,000 men. Although bitter fighting was waged that night and throughout the following day, the enemy had shifted his main effort to Chipyong. His armies had failed at Wonju after unsuccessfully beating against the lines then dying in unprecedented slaughter under the guns of massed artillery.

While thousands of Chinese were being bloodily repulsed along the Som River west of Wonju, the 23rd RCT was busy repairing the damage wrought by the frenzied attacks of the previous night. Twenty four air drops helped restock the ammunition, ration, medical and equipment supply dumps. Every available man helped in retrieving the air-dropped supplies. Regimental medics worked steadily to relieve the suffering of the wounded and helicopters shuttled in and out of the tight perimeter throughout the day, evacuating the most seriously wounded. Others were treated and made as safe and comfortable as possible to await the opportunity for evacuation when the road blocks ringing the garrison could be broken.


  这种估计敌人死亡多少的东西可靠性差。  /无内容 - madmax 10/27/10 (484)
    有这问题。所以需要cross reference - 生人 10/27/10 (504)
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