联大今天的这一压倒性谴责以色列的决议竟然在美国主流媒体上找不 |
送交者: wada 2023月11月14日05:50:56 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 联大最新决议通过:“犹太人定居点非法” 由 wada 于 2023-11-14 05:01:10 |
到, 但印度媒体却报道了 Of most significance was the vote criticising ‘Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan’ (A/C.4/78/L.15) that “condemns” Israeli demolitions of Palestinian villages and calls the occupation of those villages by Israeli settlers “illegal”, which India voted in favour of. The vote by India, which was not accompanied by any explanation, came despite statements by the envoys of Israel and the U.S., who called on members to vote against the resolutions which will be taken up at the UNGA plenary session, most likely in December. The U.S. envoy called the resolutions “one-sided”. |
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