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送交者: eastwest 2022月02月07日14:49:03 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 比尔·马赫:苦涩的美国玩笑 被中国超越 eastwest 于 2022-02-07 14:05:48
Vibha c
I'm from the UK and this was one of the best, most honest, hard hitting accurate analysis of where, not just the USA is, but where the Western Angelo Sphere nations are heading.

Steve Nicoletti
I teach in China and he's spot on about how educational resources are distributed. They go to the best and the brightest through two national testing schemes: once after 9th grade that determines where you go to high school and once after 12th grade that determines if and where you go to university. In my 15 years teaching in China, I have not had a single discipline problem. Not one!
Tiger Fist 👊🔥
When you stop improving yourself and start worrying about how to stop others, you already lost 😁
Isaac Fournier
I’m a conservative and agree with everything this dude said. He speaking truth about the situation and I applaud him for it
Joan Moaveni
It′s refreshing to see for once an American not to blame foreigners or other countries such as China, Iran or Russia for their own misfortunes.
Jorge J
Finally someone who is patriotic enough to say that we are really behind in almost everything and it is time to wake up and do something about it instead blaming everything or everyone for falling behind because of corporate greed took all the proceeds.
The saddest part is the fact everyone is laughing and clapping like he's joking.
Ashton Haywood
As a Conservative I'm a little ashamed to say that Bill Mahr's talk on China is one of the best, most realistic factual pieces I've ever heard.
Qian Liang
I live in America and have gone to China many times over the past ten years. American infrastructure is just ridiculously behind. I am not saying China is great at everything, but can America just improve its road infrastructure slightly?
Walk Slow
I've been living in China as an expat for nearly 9 years and this is all so true.  The Chinese people have rational thoughts and care about what matters.  They don't give a damn about the trifling little things American care about, they care about improving themselves, their communities and their country as a whole, and they spend their time working hard doing that.
I don’t often listen to this guy but he drove it home and hit a grand slam here

    操,搞错了,这些都是up vote,没有down vote, - armin 02/07/22 (169)
    就是头几个 - eastwest 02/07/22 (210)
      而且点赞或差 - eastwest 02/07/22 (201)
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