Tell everybody where and what |
送交者: logic. 2021月09月17日01:42:07 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 整天发骗点击的垃圾贴,你有病啊?! 由 也是明眼人 于 2021-09-16 05:30:18 |
in this video tricked, fooled, or offended you that makes you continuously scolding any video that reports the good and encouraging progress of China! You and y2k have been doing this kind of wonton scolding for years whenever good videos about China appeared. I don't know you two, and I cannot care any less about you two, but what you two did shamefully on this forum all these years can really be considered as that of human scum generally do. I don't know who taught you two about these smearing, throwing dirt at others, and stabbing other people in the back repetitively. Shame on you and shame on your parents who brought you up like this! |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2020: | 我早介绍过碎片理论,任何局部都呈现相 | |
2020: | 为什么中国的智库无论怎样逻辑分析都无 | |
2019: | 共军连这个都要参加阅兵? | |
2019: | 1955年,上海妓女改造:920位姐妹来到新 | |
2018: | Latest Human Development Index (HDI) | |
2018: | 2000亿关税箭在弦上 美国释放特朗普或见 | |
2017: | 三哥媒体透露向俄毛就租赁第二艘核潜艇 | |
2017: | 中国造世界最强钢材:突破2000兆帕强度 | |
2016: | 毛粉与毛黑是一路货色 | |
2016: | 6月坠毁的美海军蓝天使6号机飞行员已经 | |