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送交者: biomed 2010月03月04日15:58:56 于 [世界股票论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Here is my note biomed 于 2010-03-04 15:12:08

FA comes first for trading.  You find a good stock, and wait until the right time to buy (even swing trade or DT).  So TA comes second for trading.  In the case of VISN, the lowest point (all time low) is $4.8.  At this moment, we don't know whether it will touch that point or it could go down even lower than $4.8.  If you bought it this morning at $5.20, there is still $0.40 difference which is about 7.7% loss if it touches $4.8 in a few days.  I want buy something that is going up now, not going down (you feel it is cheap).  VISN may go up after dusts settle.  but it may take a long time to fill the gap from $8.00.  The World Exhibition may help during the summer, and the company needs to update better condition.  It may take a long time.  If I want to trade this one, I would enter after I saw some green color on the chart, and betting no more than 10% of technical rebounce.  I try to learn from Lao Dao who can sit restfully, but I feel unrest if the stock doesn't move to my favored direction within 5-10 days.



  Sound analysis, - tradeatopenonly 03/04/10 (443)
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