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Here is my note
送交者: biomed 2010月03月04日15:12:08 于 [世界股票论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: VERY risky? tradeatopenonly 于 2010-03-04 14:13:54

Yesterday VISN was closed at low (and today it was also closed at the daily low), so there is still downward mementum.  We never know where the bottom is until you see the bottom.  Look at the chart for a recently beaten down stock (STEC), and you will see why you could buy STEC in the second day after a haircut, but not VISN.  We want to buy someing that could go up right after the purchase.  The chart tells us something (5 minute or 1 hr chart for short term trading).  Even for long term holding, you hope to buy more shares with your money, right?   This type of stocks should not be our major holdings.  If I have $200,000 on my account balance, I may buy 500 shares of VISN at good entry (say $5.00), definitely not more than 1000 shares.  There are stocks that are a lot better than VISN.  Today we saw GOOG, AAPL, AMZN, GS, WFC going up.  From the chart, AMZN and GOOG just broke up. 

  Another comment - biomed 03/04/10 (446)
    Sound analysis, - tradeatopenonly 03/04/10 (424)
  My answer was not based on FA  /无内容 - biomed 03/04/10 (396)
    THANKS.. I got in today @ 5.10  /无内容 - arthur30024 03/04/10 (398)
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