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Marxism as World Religion


John Boli

Stanford University


The anti-Christ, that human embodiment of devil responsible for all evil in the world, is the bourgeoisie.  The state of sin is capitalism, which heightens the alienation of man and leads him astray from a proper relationship with his omnipotent and all known God, technology.  The major prophets are Marx and Engels and their writings, especially Capital, constitute the Bible.  The saints are later Marxists, especially Lenin, Stalin, and Mao (though the various sects debate the authenticity of one or another of them).  The Christ figure is proletariat and the Holy Spirit is revolutionary consciousness. With the aid of technology's Progressive work, the Christ-proletariat will eventually bring about the millennium of socialism, setting the stage for the final, triumphant transition to the state of ultimate grace, communism.


Such is the dominant theology of the modern world, born in the nineteenth century and bearing all the marks of the Christian culture that prevailed when it was conceived.  Like nineteenth-century Protestant theology, man is the center of theological concern.  He is capable of creating the millennium himself through technological progress, and God is no longer necessary because of technology's unlimited powers and potential.  Marx gave this spiritual analysis a secular form but retained the basic struggle between good and evil that is so central analysis a secular form but retained the basic struggle between good and evil that is so central to Western thought.  He went so far as to use the image of the Christ-proletariat undergoing a kind of kenosis, the process of “pouring out “ or emptying of Jesus on the cross as he suffered the extreme trail of crucifixion and death in order to bring man salvation through the miracle of resurrection. Marx changed only the central character: the proletariat’s kenosis lies in its immiseration, which becomes complete alienation (the emptying out of every trace of humanity) with the full development of capitalism.  The death and rebirth of the proletariat as a spiritually integrated revolutionary class will finally drive the anti-Christ from the world (see Marx, 1963:58). [1]  The theological character of Marxism and its adoption of the structure of Christian theology have been discussed by numerous scholars (Ellul, 1975; Parsons, 1979).  As a religion, Marxist ideology has strongly influenced both intellectual discourse and political systems in the twentieth century.  Intellectuals are attracted by its optimistic vision of a nearly ideal future and go to great lengths to maintain the analyses underlying that vision despite the recurrent “failure of prophecy” that have occurred since Marx’s time. Professor Chase-Dunn’s article is essentially a theological discourse in this tradition, aimed at preserving the original “texts” (as Chase-Dunn himself calls them, p. 509) by reinterpreting them: Political systems, such as the of the USSR, adopt Marxism because of its neat and subtle blending of two major sociological forces, collective individualism and technological progress, coupled with the ideologies of equality and justice.  It is my view that the religiosity of Marxism accounts for much of Chase-Dunn’s analysis here and, more importantly, for the phenomenon he attempts to explain: the failure of the Soviet Union to build a truly socialist system in the six decades since the revolution. [2] Making use of ideas generated by dependency theory and word-system analysis, Chase-Dunn’s argument is essentially this: “socialism in one country” is not possible because the countries in which ideologically socialist regimes dominate have not been able to engage in autonomous development.  They have continued to be incorporated in the capitalist world system and have come to play a functional role in it (Bergesen, 1978). [3]  The aggressive imperialism of the core capitalist countries has forced the Soviet Union and its allies to create an “authoritarian political apparatus” (pp. 515-16), engage in vigorous efforts to “prevent the emigration of capital and labor” (p 515), and pursue a practically unlimited arms race “to defend themselves” (pp.515, 521).Sinful capitalism is still to blame, then.  Left to its own devices, the Soviet Union would have built a democratic system of “collectively rational social control” of economic activity.  Is this a reasonable claim or a hope-filled religious affirmation? Consider the following points.


First, the antidemocratic and repressive political system of the USSR is by no means a departure from the Russian past. Rather, it is a continuation of the structure inherited by the Bolsheviks from the old czarist regime.  Far more than in practically all other European nations, Russia’s rulers had managed to concentrate political power in the monarchy and effectively neutralize powerful (if bloated) bureaucracy.  This structure proved to be especially suitable for adaptation to the new, dogmatic state religion that was instituted by the CPSU-just as the Catholic Church organization was adapted by military Lutherans in establishing state churches after the Reformation.  It was used to consolidate power and eliminate both actual and potential opposition.


Second, to what degree has the Soviet Union in fact been threatened by capitalist imperialism?  Most of the action taken by the capitalist core has aimed at isolating the USSR, not invading it (the Use’s policy of “containment”).  When the opportunity presented itself at the end of World War II, the USA displayed no interest in military action against the USSR despite its overwhelming military and industrial capacity and its monopoly on atomic weapons.  In fact, the USSR has been no more imperiled in this century than have numerous capitalist nations—France, Austria, the Netherlands, even Britain.  But Soviet politico-religious doctrines insist that there is something unique and particularly sinister about the Soviet Union’s enemies, they are bourgeois agents of the devil, and they will take every opportunity to corrupt and destroy the righteous without warning.


Similarly, the USSR’s eager participation in the arms race can be called “defensive” only if we are also willing to apply the same term to the USA’s weapons development or the enemy will destroy us; our efforts are intended to deter the real aggressor in the struggle, the capitalists (communists).  The only real difference between the two is that the USSR has a developed doctrine urging word revolution to purge the world of the bourgeoisie, thus providing some basis for the capitalist core’s fears.  The capitalists have a corresponding theology depicting Communism as the evil menace that bears all sin; but this theology is weak and incoherent in comparison to its Marxist counterpart and is not supported by strongly organized churches, that is, the various Communist parties.


Finally, even if we were to assume that the Soviet Union has been justified in its claim that capitalism threatens its existence, what evidence is there that political repression and extreme concentration of decision-making power are beneficial to Soviet survival?  Closing the borders and seeking a path of autarchic development are reasonable actions, as Chase-Dunn says, in order to avoid the loss of technical elites and intellectuals.  But really effective mobilization, such as that of the German fascist revolution, is achieved through winning the souls of the people.  I believe that Chase-Dunn, for one, holds the view that a truly democratic, rational economic and political system would be more likely to capture the souls of the people than one based on power concentration, repression, and blind loyalty to political organizations and doctrines.  This may not be the case, but the question is still open—no such system has yet been tried anywhere.  But the functionalist argument that only a repressive, dictatorial regime is effective for achieving social mobilization for defense is clearly unsupportable.


In sum, the failure of the Soviet Union to build a socialist society is the result not of defensive reactions to imperialist capitalism but a natural adaptation of traditional Russian political structures within Soviet efforts to achieve a dominant position that will help ensure world revolution.  Theirs is a universal religion: it must be spread everywhere. Chase-Dunn gives some attention to this aspect in his discussion of Soviet imperialism.  He is understandably wont to limit the term “imperialism” to its economic connotation, as that restriction reduces the degree of sinfulness that can be imputed to the USSR and squarely pegs the capitalist core as the great transgressor.  Such an analysis overlooks the fact that imperialism has many faces.  The capitalist core has engaged primarily in economic imperialism while the USSR has specialized I political imperialism.  Such specialization is inherent in the nature of the two competing systems, the former concentrating on the profane matters of economic expansion and exploitation and the latter on the more sacred tasks requires for all religious crusades: the expansion and monopolization of political and ideological power. Both forms represent the building of the empires.  This striving for antibourgeois world revolution accounts for the highly accentuated drive to maintain political orthodoxy and doctrinal purity within the Soviet Union.  It makes the repressive apparatus necessary, not for defense but for the elimination of heresy.


The real issue in the debate lies not in explaining why Chase-Dunn rather utopian socialism did not materialize in the USSR; its lies in explaining why so many Marxists are unable to transcend the religiosity of their intellectual convictions and come to terms with some of the very unpleasant realities of the modern world system.  There is no hope for socialism in the “socialist countries, or anywhere else, until this religiosity is removed both from intellectual analysis and from the socialist movement as a political phenomenon.


Social Problems 28(5) pp510-513, 1981

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