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The CIA's Tactics
送交者:  2022年03月14日13:16:52 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Veteran KGB intelligence officer General Vishronin quoted his handling of the intelligence in the KGB X-Files, and Alan Dulles, the founder and first leader of the CIA, taught his officers:

“After creating chaos there (in the Soviet Union), we unknowingly swapped their values for false ones and forced them to believe them. How? We found our own like-minded people...we found our allies in Russia and assistants. To direct episode by episode the demise of the world's most untamed people, the final and irreversible extinction of its self-consciousness, is by its scale the most majestic tragedy..."

“We will do everything possible to support and mobilize the so-called artists who will foster a cult of pornography, violence, abuse, betrayal, in short, any immorality. In the governance of the state, we will create chaos and unmanageable situations. …”

"We will unknowingly but actively promote the mischief of officials, bribe-takers, and unprincipled, bureaucratic and procrastination will be vindicated as good deeds..."

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