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The CIA's "Ten Commandments"
送交者:  2022年03月14日12:57:01 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

The so-called "Ten Commandments" of the CIA was first exposed in the July 2001 issue of Hong Kong's "Wide Angle Mirror" monthly magazine, and published in the 15th edition of Xinhua News Agency's "Reference News" on July 24, 2001. In the process of researching the Ten Commandments of the CIA, scholars from all over the world found that its contents were closely related to the "KGB X-Files", "The Minutes of the Presbyterian Church of Zion", Samuel Huntington's "Democratic Principles", "World Historical documents such as the Revolutionary Action Plan have striking similarities.

For example: In the 5th Commandment of the Ten Commandments "Continuously create news and vilify their leaders. Our journalists should find opportunities to interview them, and then organize their own words to attack themselves" and "Democratic Code" in " Focus on the illegitimacy of an authoritarian regime or the weak points in its legitimacy; this is its weakest point. Attack the regime on issues of general concern, such as corruption and brutality. If the regime behaves successfully (especially Economically), then these attacks may have little effect. Once it behaves badly (and it will), then focus on its illegality, which becomes the most important means of dismantling its power” and so on.

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