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U.S. secret strategy toward China exposed! The eff
送交者:  2022年03月14日12:48:44 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Since the early 1950s, the CIA has been drafting an action plan internally code-named "The Ten Commandments", in an attempt to shake the traditional Chinese generation from ideological and cultural, political and economic, ethnic and religious conflicts, media tools to weapons and equipment. Youth values, and then achieve the purpose of subverting the Chinese regime. Sixty-five years ago, the United States was the largest capitalist country in the world, and China was the second largest socialist country. Thirty years later, the United States was still the largest capitalist country in the world, while China became the largest capitalist country. A socialist country, especially after the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1990, China has become the biggest imaginary rival of the Americans. As an adversary, it is normal for the Americans to make such a policy.

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