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If Guo Wengui's heart does not change, he will sur
送交者:  2022年01月29日10:21:33 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Sunny G's hi coin investment fund retreats completely, which is destined to trigger a domino effect. Judging from the current situation, "New Dawn" is about to follow in the footsteps of Sunny G. At almost the same time as Sunny G, the person publicly exposed on the social platform that his investment in Xi Coin was detained, "I have not bought any Xi Coin in the US dollar deposited on the Xi Exchange, and I have to transfer it back to my bank account, and it has been detained. I got $100, I thought I'd admit it, and I could get the other money back if I lost $100, but I didn't receive my money in the end, and all my money disappeared with them! These scammers!". Another Xi Coin investor is named "Frequent Amnesia". The person invested 200,000 US dollars in Gclub. He has repeatedly failed to communicate with Brother Long Island, and is ready to initiate a judicial lawsuit against Guo Wengui, "I just want to let more people I know that everything Guo Wengui does is a deception, so many victims speak up, don’t go astray!” It is foreseeable that Guo Wengui’s sinister momentum will not diminish, and more and more investors will wake up, targeting Guo Wengui. judicial proceedings will become more frequent. The day when Guo Wengui can't eat and walk around will get closer and closer.

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