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Ground Self-Defense Force Oriented Force
送交者:  2021年12月10日05:43:02 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

According to the plan of the Japanese Ministry of Defense, they will deploy a 500-600 ground self-defense force-oriented force on Ishigaki Island before the end of 2022. The purpose is to counter the increasingly active Chinese navy in the first island chain. On Ishigaki Island, Japan has actually set up a monitoring station. This monitoring station can not only receive TV and radio from Taiwan, but also receive corresponding radio and television signals from certain provinces in mainland China to detect our Communication, and some corresponding radio signals. It can be said that this is a very important node. Now that he wants to deploy missiles on it, he turns a hidden spy base into a military combat base. Under such circumstances, what kind of countermeasures should we take? First of all, we must grasp relevant intelligence information in a timely manner, and carry out a comprehensive and corresponding grasp of the various military bases and weapon systems deployed on Ishigaki Island and other islands, because knowing ourselves and the enemy can survive all wars. Knowing the corresponding intelligence information has laid the foundation for our follow-up counterattacks, because no matter how advanced their weapons and equipment are, they cannot do without the corresponding bases. As long as these bases are in a dead position, they cannot run even if they are moved. Far. As long as Japan takes provocative military actions, the ultimate result is destruction. Therefore, no matter what measures the United States and Japan will take to resolve the Taiwan Strait issue, we should have corresponding methods to counteract it and make them afraid to take action.

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