刺杀李闻杜鲁໽ |
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1946年7月12日凌晨 死 1946年7月15日傍晚 死
刺杀李闻 激惹民愤 美国总统杜鲁门严词正告蒋介石将中止援助 U.S. President Harry S. Truman to the Chinese Ambassador ( Koo ) 2 Washington, August 10, 1946 My Dear Mr. Ambassador: I should appreciate your transmitting by the most expeditious means available to you the following confidential message from me to President Chiang Kai-Shek: “Since I sent General Marshall to you as my special envoy, I have followed closely the situation in China. It is with deep regret that I am forced to the conclusion that his efforts have apparently proved unavailing. “I am certain that General Marshall, in his discussions with you, has reflected accurately the overall attitude and policy of the American Government and of informed American public opinion as well. “During recent months the rapidly deteriorating political situation in China has been a cause of grave concern to the American people. While it is the continued hope of the United States that a strong and democratic China can yet be achieved under your leadership, I would be less than honest if I did not point out that recent developments have forced me to the conclusion that the selfish interests of extremist elements, equally in the Kuomintang as in the Communist party, are hindering the aspirations of the Chinese people. “The Agreements reached by the Political Consultative Conference on January 31st were greeted in the United States as a far-sighted step toward the achievement of national unity and democracy. American disappointment over failure to implement these agreements by concrete measures is becoming an important factor in our outlook with regard to China. “There exists in the United States an increasing body of opinion which holds that our entire policy toward China must be reexamined in the light of spreading strife, and especially by evidence of the increasing tendency to suppress freedom of the press as well as the expression of liberal views among intellectuals. The recent assassinations of distinguished Chinese liberals at Kunming have not gone unnoticed. Regardless of where responsibility for these cruel murders may lie, the end result has been to focus American attention on the situation in China, and there is a growing conviction that an attempt is being made to settle major social issues by resort to force, military or secret police, rather than by democratic processes. “Our faith in the peaceful and democratic aspirations of the people of China has been shaken by recent events, but not destroyed. It is still the firm desire of this Government and of the people of the United States to assist China to achieve lasting peace and a stable economy under a truly democratic government. There is a growing feeling, however, that the aspirations of the Chinese people are being thwarted by militarists and a small group of political reactionaries, who, failing to comprehend the liberal trend of the times, are obstructing the advancement of the general good of the nation. Such a state of affairs is violently repugnant to the American people. “Unless convincing proof is shortly forthcoming that genuine progress is being made toward a peaceful settlement of China’s internal problems, it must be expected that American opinion will not continue in its generous attitude towards your nation. It will, furthermore, be necessary for me to redefine and explain the position of the United States to the American people. “It is my earnest hope that I may in the near future receive some encouraging word from you which will facilitate the accomplishment of our mutually declared objectives.” Sincerely, Harry S. Truman 1. Handed to the Chinese Minister (Tan), in the absence of the Ambassador, by the Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs (Vincent) on the afternoon of August 10. 2. Text sent to General Marshall in telegram No. 97150, August 11. It was based on a draft “suggestion” in telegram No. 1283, August 10, from General Marshall and Ambassador Stuart. 谷歌翻译: 杜鲁门总统致中国大使( 辜 )2 华盛顿,1946年8月10日 亲爱的大使先生: 我希望你能以最迅速的方式向蒋介石总统转达我的以下机密信息。 自从我把马歇将军作为我的特使派往你方之后,我一直密切关注中国的局势。 我非常遗憾,被迫得出这帚结论,马歇将军的努力显然没有成效。 “我确信,马歇将军在与你的讨论中已经祟钏M全面地理解了美国政府的一般 态度和政策。 “近几个月来,中国政治局势迅速恶化一直是美国人民严重关切的一个原因。虽 然现在还是时候向你道别极端主樽壑l在国民党和共产党一届A都在阻碍中国人 民的愿望。 “政治协商会议1月31日达成的协议在美国迎来,是朝实现民族团结和民主迈出 的远大目标。美国对具体手段失败的失望正在成为我们关于中国的一个重要因素。 在美国,越来越多的人认为意见越来越多知识分子的自由主观点。最近在昆明 发生的对中国杰出自由派的暗杀事件并未被忽视。不管碰撞事件的责任在哪里, 它已成为中国的一大问题秘密警察,而不是民主程序。 “我们对中国人民的和平民主愿望的信仰,最近的事件震动了,但没有被摧毁。 这个政府和美国的援助仍然是坚定的愿望。然而,越来越多的人认为,宣传人民 大众的利益是由军国主慦怍M一小批政治反动派国家。这种事态对美国人民来说 是非常令人厌恶的。 “除非在美国有任何意憛A”他说,“美国的意见不会继续对你的国家抱有慷慨 的态度。它希望我有必要重新定憍M解释美国对美国人民的立场。 “我殷切希望,在不久的将来,我们会收到一些鼓励的话,这将有助于实现我们 共同商定的目标。” 此致 哈里·杜鲁门 Mad World - Gary Jules An English Phrase: By hook or by crook By whatever means necessary - be they fair or foul. 十月革命100年: 列宁不择手段没有底线 美国特拉华州立大学历史学系程映虹教授 2017-11-07 19:56:52 作者:程映虹,原题为《十月革命是知识分子的鸡汤,政治家的鸡蛋》 对于很多知识分子——尤其是住在纽约和巴黎公寓里的—— 来说,十月革命是一碗永远保鲜的心灵鸡汤。他们一般把这碗 鸡汤放在冰箱里,逢年过节拿出来热一下,闻一闻,再放回去。 有时也尝一口,汤少了再添点水,加一点楼下超市里买来的时 兴调料,例如各种批判理论和后学,再放回去。 冰箱里有这 一碗阿芙乐堥渐u老母鸡煲出的鸡汤,让他们觉得心安。 ...... 看看列宁吧,他就是一个熟读西方经典的学究,还是一个哲学 家,象棋下得也很好。托洛茨基是一个雅士,文学评论很棒。 更不用说卢那察奡粥礞F,他可以直接来纽约大学教文学。就 连斯大林这个土包子也是神学院的学生,后来还写下了论民族 和语言的学术专著。 ...... 列宁用武装政变推翻临时政府,有谁想到了?就连沙皇垮台也 基本是和平退位,所以当时根本没有抵抗。阿芙乐堥渐u老母 鸡咯咯叫了两声,不是斗鸡场上的好勇斗狠,而是通知下蛋了。
美国驻俄国大使(这家伙是个银行家)在列宁夺权时嘲笑说: 这怎厶行?别恕腄A过几个月他就搞不下去了。俄国自由主 者们和民主派也都是这厶想的:反正过几个月就开立}议会了, 到时候把他选下去就得了。他们都不知道,他们面对的就是一 个不择手段没有底线的政治哥伦布。 就连布堣维克领导核心的多数最初也是反对政变的,因为他 们不知道接下来怎厶收拾这个摊子。 列宁不但发动政变,而且用军队和武装工人架起机关枪驱散帝 制垮台后全国普选产生的立}议会,有谁想到了?经历过二十 世纪至今历史的人见多了政变和驱散议会,但在1917和1918年, 当民主共和制渐成时代潮流时,用列宁的话来说,那可是伟大 的历史创举。这就是十月革命的世界历史意憛C 列宁关闭所有批评他的报刊,连布堣维克的老盟友高堸办 的新生活报也不例外,有谁想到了?列宁把不听话的但又有名 气实在不能杀关管的知识分子统统赶出国,高堸礞]得走,有 谁想到了? 列宁为了巩固权力不惜和德国签订丧权辱国的布列斯特和约, 俄国版图大大缩小,有谁想到了?他从瑞士回俄国时坐的是德 国军队提供的封闭车厢,德国人就是放他回国把俄国搞乱的。 这岸@个俄奸,堂而皇之地站在彼得格勒街头演讲时,有谁想 到了?后来他和德国人做布列斯特交易时,又有谁想到这可能 和他是如何回国有关联的? 列宁夺权时许诺“和平、土地和面包”,后来哪一条实现了? 布堣维克上台后搞得没饭吃了,列宁派军队和武装工人带 机关枪下乡从农民手里夺口粮甚至种子,那完全是一场城市和 农村的内战。就连农奴制度下的农民也还是吃得饱的。一个政 府为了待在台上可以这对待自己的农民,有谁想到了? 列宁可以先统统没收所有外资企业,宣布废除所有外债,没过 几年为了生存又开放俄国市场要西方资本回来,而且还放出被 他关押的社会名流要他们出面向美国要吃的要穿的。这怖视 国际关系准则又出堣秏堣ㄜn脸的事,谁想到了? 列宁对斯大林有千般不满,但看中他的就是继承了自己竖鸡蛋 的本事,其他人可能都不行,他们可能会想有没有办法把鸡蛋 完整 损地竖起来。所以斯大林的名言是“成功者是不受责备 的”。这句话是对谁说的,了解历史的人都知道。那是另一个 竖鸡蛋的政治哥伦布。 ...... 纽约时报的杜伦迪就是这岸@个鸡精提炼者。他知道乌克兰大 饥荒的真相,数百丌人饿死,还有数百丌人等饿死。斯大林 正在把俄国农民当作鸡蛋的底部磕碎,竖起工业化这只大鸡蛋。 但杜伦迪狶i诉美国人民这是一个伟大的国家,领导坚L有 力,人民勇於牺牲,充满了理想主憛A虽然生活苦一点,但苦 得值得,因为他们明白除了忍受牺牲,没有别的道路可以通向 国家的L盛。只有国家L大,个人才有尊严。 这些报道成了 美国街头巷尾的便利店和报摊上小包零售的鸡精,丰厚的利润 为杜伦迪赢得了普利策奖。 不但如此,他还俨然成了苏联问题专家,后来的“斯大林主憛 一词,很可能就是他发明的,不过在他不是贬憛C 当杜伦迪偶 埵V同事透露大饥荒的真相时,同事大惊,问道:“瓦堹S, 你不是开玩笑吧?真的有几百丌吗?”杜伦迪说:“当然不是 开玩笑,我这还是保守的估计。” 接下来他说了一句所有在 场的人都永远不会忘记的话: “不过他们都是俄国人。” 杜伦迪牌子的鸡精有一句精彩的 告用语:在论证个人牺牲换 来国家L盛之间的必然关系时他说:“要做鸡蛋馅饼,只能打 破鸡蛋。” 这句话现在成了经典。在为形形色色的斯大林主 辩护的形形色色的人那里,它有形形色色的表述,但骨子里 都是一个意思,不过都不如这句话精炼,形象地表现了杜伦迪 这类西方知识分子对鸡蛋、鸡汤与政治之间关系的理解和政治 哥伦布们是一致的。 很有可能他们还会说哪怕用的是地沟油,只要能煎出鸡蛋馅饼, 那也别有风味。 |
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