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An Exclusive Statement from Bo Guagua to The Harvard Crimson

Published: Tuesday, April 24, 2012
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      Harvard Kennedy School student Bo Guagua corresponded with Crimson staff writers Hana N. Rouse and Justin C. Worland on Tuesday via his Kennedy School and Google email accounts and sent The Crimson a statement, which is published verbatim below.

      To Whom It May Concern:

      Recently, there has been increasing attention from the press on my private life. As a result of these speculations, I feel responsible to the public to provide an account of the facts. I am deeply concerned about the events surrounding my family, but I have no comments to make regarding the ongoing investigation. It is impossible to address all of the rumours and allegations about myself, but I will state the facts regarding some of the most pertinent claims.


      • My tuition and living expenses at Harrow School, University of Oxford and Harvard University were funded exclusively by two sources—scholarships earned independently, and my mother’s generosity from the savings she earned from her years as a successful lawyer and writer.

      • My examination records have been solid throughout my schooling years. In the British public examination of GCSEs, which I completed at the age of 16, I achieved 11 ‘A Stars,’ whereas the necessary requirement is no more than 9 and ‘A’ grades are considered good marks. I also earned straight A’s for both AS level and A-level Examinations at the ages of 17 and 18, respectively.

      • At the University of Oxford, I studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics. I was a ‘tripartite’, being enrolled in all three subjects, rather than dropping one in the second year, as is the norm. Upon graduating, I earned a 2:1 degree (Second Class, First Honours) overall and achieved a First in Philosophy.

      • During my time at Oxford, it is true that I participated in ‘Bops,’ a type of common Oxford social event, many of which are themed. These events are a regular feature of social life at Oxford and most students take part in these college-wide activities.

      • Like many other university students, I also devoted time and energy to extra-curricular activities. For example, I debated in the Oxford Union and served as president of the Politics, Philosophy and Economics Society. These extra-curricular activities enabled me to broaden my perspective, serve the student community, and experience all that Oxford has to offer. I am proud to have been the first mainland Chinese student to be elected to the Standing Committee of the Oxford Union, and I truly value the close friendships I formed with my fellow students.

      • I have never lent my name to nor participated in any for-profit business or venture, in China or abroad. However, I have been involved in developing a not-for-profit social networking website in China, the aim of which is to assist NGOs in raising awareness of their social missions and connecting with volunteers. This initiative has been based out of the Harvard Innovation Lab, with the participation of fellow students and friends. The project remains in the development stage and is not live.

      • I have never driven a Ferrari. I have also not been to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing since 1998 (when I obtained a previous U.S. Visa), nor have I ever been to the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence in China. Even my student Visas were issued by the U.S. Consulate in Chengdu, which is closer to my home of five years.

      I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank my teachers, friends and classmates for their support during this difficult time. In particular, I wish to thank the Harvard Kennedy School for the support it has extended to me as a member of its community. I understand that at the present, the public interest in my life has not diminished. However, I wholeheartedly request that members of the press kindly refrain from intruding into the lives of my teachers, friends and classmates.


      Guagua Bo


      —Staff writer Hana N. Rouse can be reached at hrouse@college.harvard.edu

    —Staff writer Justin C. Worland can be reached at jworland@college.harvard.edu.

  上次他说是借来的,这次说没开过。 - 雨打芭蕉 04/24/12 (280)
  半分钟前这文章还在Crimson首页  /无内容 - helmsman 04/24/12 (382)
    Harvard Crimson 链接 - helmsman 04/24/12 (544)
  Someone comment here - 西门二大爷 04/24/12 (619)
    这人的屁白放了  /无内容 - helmsman 04/24/12 (339)
  it was just out 18 minutes ago - 西门二大爷 04/24/12 (383)
    看看文强的儿子被薄王关起来的惨况 , 你就知道 - 西门二大爷 04/24/12 (463)
      那个绝对不一样,国外知名的那敢?一抓薄案本身就没说服力了  /无内容 - 父皇 04/24/12 (299)
        我不惮以最坏的恶意。。还是不要回去的好。  /无内容 - qwer 04/24/12 (278)
        是阿, 依洋为重吗。 薄唱红歌不是请基辛格去捧场吗? - 西门二大爷 04/24/12 (315)
          那就是胡温党的本性,谁都知道  /无内容 - 父皇 04/24/12 (288)
      奶水小儿是蠢猪,这里的网友都知道。 - 道友 04/24/12 (345)
      瓜瓜真要帮他爹妈,就不要自投箩网落入胡温手中  /无内容 - helmsman 04/24/12 (294)
        怎么胡温都很难办  /无内容 - 父皇 04/24/12 (270)
  瓜瓜的声明是有人指使发表的。  /无内容 - macrowave 04/24/12 (368)
    嘿嘿,下一步有请方舟子来验证, 一定要为高潮多做铺垫!  /无内容 - helmsman 04/24/12 (259)
    嘿嘿,大戏越来越有意思啦。  /无内容 - macrowave 04/24/12 (253)
    嘿嘿,大戏越来越有意思啦。  /无内容 - macrowave 04/24/12 (221)
    某些组织,媒体,个人不过一次次证明自己无耻罢了。  /无内容 - macrowave 04/24/12 (298)
  没开法拉利去约会洪大使女儿----打滑尔街日报脸了  /无内容 - helmsman 04/24/12 (308)
    俺要是他,毕业后马上回去要求探监,那胡温就掰了  /无内容 - 父皇 04/24/12 (280)
      但也可能害了他爹妈,参见抓陈小同攻破陈希同  /无内容 - helmsman 04/24/12 (299)
        不一样,他知名度太高  /无内容 - 父皇 04/24/12 (323)
  钱是奖学金和他妈给的 - 父皇 04/24/12 (340)
  说的真好。你该放过这个小孩子了吧?  /无内容 - x-file 04/24/12 (306)
    放个屁,奶水小儿说的跟他老爸矛盾。 - 道友 04/24/12 (383)
      跟他老子一样,撒谎成性了。他老子还说他们家没有任何个人财产  /无内容 - 西门二大爷 04/24/12 (273)
      不管假左真右,一旦得势,都是一副狰狞面目。  /无内容 - qwer 04/24/12 (269)
      卖了法拉利不就够了么?  /无内容 - 父皇 04/24/12 (292)
    放过不了,不过这事往下难办  /无内容 - 父皇 04/24/12 (256)
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