继续打脸玩,那张露手的是美军拍摄的韩国死亡者 |
送交者: 南海 2016月08月12日20:06:41 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 草菅人命!四千多志愿军冻死在长津湖(组图) zt 由 调侃军政 于 2016-08-12 10:00:33 |
33 A pair of bound hands and a breathing hole in the snow at Yangji, Korea, Jan. 27, 1951 reveal the presence of the body of a Korean civilian shot and left to die by retreating Communists during the Korean War. (AP Photo/Max Desfor) bigpicture/2010/06/remembering_the_korean_war_60.html
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