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I cannot agree
送交者: Snow 2011月08月27日16:01:10 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 除此之外中共是死路一条,全中国人民也跟着完事! heyman 于 2011-08-27 15:40:02

We need to create a few management layers between the bottom and the top. The bottom are citizens and business. The top are an institution that can accumulate different parties. The middle layer is public service, oversees transportion, health care, education, tax collection, etc. The top layer is the driver of the middle layer. But the middle layer has to be automatic system since the top lay may break at any time due to election campain and interio fighting.

A healthy public service is the core part of political reform. After the job is done. We can consider the top layer, just like GUI of an software application.

I see things going not very bad. You take it easy.

  You are right but..... - heyman 08/27/11 (351)
    businesses is the second layer - Snow 08/27/11 (387)
      Serving people is right - Snow 08/27/11 (356)
        Sorry, wrong place  /无内容 - Snow 08/27/11 (347)
      It‘s all but ideology behind。。 - heyman 08/27/11 (363)
        Serving people is right - Snow 08/27/11 (352)
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2010: 今年世界小姐
2010: 美国《空军》月刊2010年8月号社论: 中国